Frontend UploadField for SilverStripe 4 with Dropzone.js. jQuery is also required to be included in your front end template.
composer require jamesbolitho/silverstripe-frontenduploadfield
To use this field use:
use jamesbolitho\frontenduploadfield\UploadField;
Create your field as normal in your form:
$upload1 = UploadField::create('Images', 'Images');
Set upload folder:
Set allowed file types:
Set allowed max file size:
$sizeMB = 1; // 1 MB
$size = $sizeMB * 1024 * 1024; // 1 MB in bytes
Set to allow files to be removed from upload field:
Please note that this also removes files from assets as well.
Set to allow multiple file upload:
Set allowed number of files to upload:
Set timeout for the XHR requests in milliseconds:
- Add ability to alter more Dropzone settings programmatically through silverstripe i.e. chunk sizing etc.
- Add more icons for non image files e.g. pdf, word etc.