Information gathered from
ansible-playbook main.yml --ask-become-pass
this will run the main.yml file
ansible all --key-file ~/.ssh/sshfile -i inventory -m ping
or ansible homeserver -m ping
Will ping the hosts using the sshfile provided
A file that containers the location of all the hosts or nodes you will interacting with
How to copy a ssh file to the host
ssh-copy-id -i ~/location username@host
The File should attribute inventory to the hosts and enable pipelining
- Places to use variables
- group_vars
- host_vars
Accessing variables within playbooks is done like this:
"{{ variable_name }}"
Like this:
├── group_vars
│ |── all
│ | └── vars.yml
| |── group1
| └── group2
└── host_vars
|── all
|── group1
└── group2
Secret Values Keys, passwords, api-keys can be stored and accessed a number of ways. One way is creating some hard-coded values within a directory; or using ansible-vault
ansible-vault create secret.yml
This will prompt for a password and once createad, looking into will show a encrypted file. To access the files content once more use:ansible-vault edit location/secret.enc
ansible-vault encrypt @location-to-file
- will encrypt a preexisting file
ansible-vault decrypt @location-to-file
- will decrypt a file permanently
ansible-vault create @location-to-file
- will essentially touch
a new encrypted file
ansible-vault view @location-to-file
- will essentially cat
a encrypted file
We want to create a way where we specify secrets and anonymously send them to our docker-compose file location into a made .env
, where we replace the values with the attributes assigned from our ansible-vault.
glace at a redhat resources: Ansible-vault
Note the @
sign is very necessary
ansible-playbook main.yml -e @group_vars/all/nextcloud.enc --ask-become-pass --ask-vault-pass
If mounting onto an extenal drive.
chmod -R www-data:www-data location
chmod -R 0750 location