MadLibs is a Java Project, built with focus on file input/output and strings.
Credit goes to the AP Computer Science course at GKHS & CSE142 Winter 2016 at UW
Completed sometime during my jounior year in highschool 2016/17.
git clone
cd MadLibs
$ java
Welcome to the game of Mad Libs.
I will ask you to provide various words
and phrases to fill in a story.
The result will be written to an output file.
(C)reate mad-lib, (V)iew mad-lib, (Q)uit?
$ C
Input file name:
$ `simple.txt` or tarzan.txt or creative.txt
Output file name:
$ output.txt
Please type a job:
$ Computer Programmer
Please type an adjective:
$ jump
Your mad-lib has been created!
(C)reate mad-lib, (V)iew mad-lib, (Q)uit?
$ V
Input file name:
$ output.txt
I wannabe a Computer Programmer when I grow up.
Just like my dad.
Life is jump like that!
(C)reate mad-lib, (V)iew mad-lib, (Q)uit?
$ q
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.