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fix problems with and duplication of MATLAB tools for EASEv2 latlon2i…
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gmao-rreichle authored Apr 12, 2023
2 parents 86bbdd2 + d860c88 commit 5297be2
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Showing 6 changed files with 32 additions and 226 deletions.
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%even if re-ordered output from an LDASsa-run is used as input, the
%resulting mwRTMparam.xxxx(:) is always monotonically increasingly sorted

[row_M09,col_M09] = smapeasev2_latlon2ind(tile_coord.com_lat,tile_coord.com_lon,'M09');
[row_M09,col_M09] = EASEv2_latlon2ind(tile_coord.com_lat,tile_coord.com_lon,'M09',1);
row_M09 = row_M09 +1;
col_M09 = col_M09 +1;

[row_M36,col_M36] = smapeasev2_latlon2ind(tile_coord.com_lat,tile_coord.com_lon,'M36');
[row_M36,col_M36] = EASEv2_latlon2ind(tile_coord.com_lat,tile_coord.com_lon,'M36',1);
row_M36 = row_M36 + 1;
col_M36 = col_M36 + 1;

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if (strcmp(tile_grid.gridtype,'EASEv2_M36'))
%row, col
[j_indg,i_indg] = ...
elseif (strcmp(tile_grid.gridtype,'EASEv2_M09'))
%row, col
[j_indg,i_indg] = ...
error('not ready for this grid');
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%2) convert back to lat/lon at center of obs
if (~isempty(strfind(convert_grid, 'M36')) && ~isempty(strfind(convert_grid, 'EASEv2')))
gridid = 'M36';
[central_row,central_col] = smapeasev2_latlon2ind(central_lat,central_lon,gridid);
[central_lat,central_lon] = smapeasev2_ind2latlon(central_row,central_col,gridid);
[central_row,central_col] = EASEv2_latlon2ind(central_lat,central_lon,gridid,1);
[central_lat,central_lon] = EASEv2_ind2latlon(central_row,central_col,gridid);
elseif (~isempty(strfind(convert_grid, 'M36')) && ~isempty(strfind(convert_grid, 'EASEv1')))
error('Must provide smapeasev1_latlon2ind() and smapeasev1_ind2latlon()!')
gridid = 'M36';
[central_row,central_col] = smapeasev1_latlon2ind(central_lat,central_lon,gridid);
[central_lat,central_lon] = smapeasev1_ind2latlon(central_row,central_col,gridid);
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223 changes: 5 additions & 218 deletions src/Applications/LDAS_App/util/postproc/write_smapL4SMqa.m
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@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
function [] = write_smapL4SMqa( gph_aup_lmc_fnames, tilecoord_fname, tilegrids_fname )

% add path to matlab functions in src/Applications/LDAS_App/util/shared/matlab/

% Generate *.qa files from SMAP L4_SM "gph" or "aup" granules.
% Inputs:
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% Map M09 tiles to M36 grid cells to verify the M36 obs

[M36_row,M36_col] = ...

M36_row_col = [M36_row M36_col];
[unique_rc, ia, ic] = unique(M36_row_col,'rows');
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array = array_out;

% *********************************************************************************************
% *********************************************************************************************
% *********************************************************************************************
% function [row,col] = smapeasev2_latlon2ind(lat,lon,gridid)
% SMAPEASE2FORWARD The principal function is to perform forward transformation
% from (lat,lon)'s to (row,col)'s for a set of nested EASE
% grids defined at 1, 3, 9, and 36km grid resolutions. These
% grids are all based on the EASE-Grid 2.0 specification (WGS84
% ellipsoid).
% SYNTAX [row,col] = smapease2forward(lat,lon,gridid)
% where gridid is a 3-character string enclosed in single
% quotes, in the form of {M|N|S}{01,03,09,36}. This subroutine
% accepts vector inputs and produce vector outputs.
% HISTORY This subroutine was adapted from the offical EASE-Grid-2.0
% conversion utilities (written in IDL) developed by the
% Note that in NSIDC's original implementation, (row,col) are
% zero-based. In other words, the first cell is (0,0) and the
% last cell is (N-1,M-1), where N and M are the row and column
% dimensions of the array. In this MATLAB implementation, the
% same convention is used. In other words, the end point of
% the first cell is located at (r,c) = (-0.5,-0.5) whereas the
% end point of the last cell is located at (r,c) = (14615.5,
% 34703.5). Thus,
% [lat,lon] = smapease2inverse(-0.5,-0.5,'M01') returns:
% lat = 85.044566407398861
% lon = 1.799999999999994e+02
% [lat,lon] = smapease2inverse(14615.5,34703.5,'M01') returns:
% lat = -85.044566407398861
% lon = -1.799999999999994e+02
% The polar grids, on the other hand, are more complete in
% terms of latitude coverage:
% [lat,lon] = smapease2inverse(8999,8999,'N01')
% lat = 89.993669248945238
% lon = -135
% [lat,lon] = smapease2inverse(9000,9000,'N01')
% lat = 89.993669248945238
% lon = 45
% [lat,lon] = smapease2inverse(8999,8999,'S01')
% lat = -89.993669248945238
% lon = -45
% [lat,lon] = smapease2inverse(9000,9000,'S01')
% lat = -89.993669248945238
% lon = 135
% UPDATE North/south polar projections were added. (03/2012)
% REFERENCE Brodzik, M. J., B. Billingsley, T. Haran, B. Raup, and M. H.
% Savoie (2012): EASE-Grid 2.0: Incremental but Significant
% Improvements for Earth-Gridded Data Sets. ISPRS International
% Journal of Geo-Information, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 32-45,
% Steven Chan, 11/2011
% Email:

function [row,col] = smapeasev2_latlon2ind(lat,lon,gridid)

% Constants returned by EASE2_GRID_INFO.PRO
projection = gridid(1);
switch gridid
case 'M36'
map_scale_m = 36032.220840584;
cols = 964;
rows = 406;
r0 = (cols-1)/2;
s0 = (rows-1)/2;
case 'M09'
map_scale_m = 9008.055210146;
cols = 3856;
rows = 1624;
r0 = (cols-1)/2;
s0 = (rows-1)/2;
case 'M03'
map_scale_m = 3002.6850700487;
cols = 11568;
rows = 4872;
r0 = (cols-1)/2;
s0 = (rows-1)/2;
case 'M01'
map_scale_m = 1000.89502334956;
cols = 34704;
rows = 14616;
r0 = (cols-1)/2;
s0 = (rows-1)/2;
case 'N36'
map_scale_m = 36000.0;
cols = 500;
rows = 500;
r0 = (cols-1)/2;
s0 = (rows-1)/2;
case 'N09'
map_scale_m = 9000.0;
cols = 2000;
rows = 2000;
r0 = (cols-1)/2;
s0 = (rows-1)/2;
case 'N03'
map_scale_m = 3000.0;
cols = 6000;
rows = 6000;
r0 = (cols-1)/2;
s0 = (rows-1)/2;
case 'N01'
map_scale_m = 1000.0;
cols = 18000;
rows = 18000;
r0 = (cols-1)/2;
s0 = (rows-1)/2;
case 'S36'
map_scale_m = 36000.0;
cols = 500;
rows = 500;
r0 = (cols-1)/2;
s0 = (rows-1)/2;
case 'S09'
map_scale_m = 9000.0;
cols = 2000;
rows = 2000;
r0 = (cols-1)/2;
s0 = (rows-1)/2;
case 'S03'
map_scale_m = 3000.0;
cols = 6000;
rows = 6000;
r0 = (cols-1)/2;
s0 = (rows-1)/2;
case 'S01'
map_scale_m = 1000.0;
cols = 18000;
rows = 18000;
r0 = (cols-1)/2;
s0 = (rows-1)/2;
disp(['ERROR: Incompatible grid specification.']);

% Constants returned by EASE2_MAP_INFO.PRO
epsilon = 1.0e-6;
map_equatorial_radius_m = 6378137.0;
map_eccentricity = 0.081819190843;
e2 = map_eccentricity^2;
switch projection
case 'M'
map_reference_latitude = 0.0;
map_reference_longitude = 0.0;
map_second_reference_latitude = 30.0;
sin_phi1 = sin(map_second_reference_latitude*pi/180);
cos_phi1 = cos(map_second_reference_latitude*pi/180);
kz = cos_phi1/sqrt(1.0-e2*sin_phi1*sin_phi1);
case 'N'
map_reference_latitude = 90.0;
map_reference_longitude = 0.0;
case 'S'
map_reference_latitude = -90.0;
map_reference_longitude = 0.0;

% Selected calculations inside WGS84_CONVERT.PRO and WGS84_CONVERT_XY.PRO
dlon = lon - map_reference_longitude;
msk1 = dlon < -180.0; dlon(msk1) = dlon(msk1) + 360.0;
msk2 = dlon > +180.0; dlon(msk2) = dlon(msk2) - 360.0;
phi = lat*pi/180.0;
lam = dlon*pi/180.0;
sin_phi = sin(phi);
q = (1.0-e2)*((sin_phi./(1.0-e2*sin_phi.*sin_phi))-(1.0/(2.0*map_eccentricity))*log((1.0-map_eccentricity*sin_phi)./(1.0+map_eccentricity*sin_phi)));
qp = 1.0-((1.0-e2)/(2.0*map_eccentricity)*log((1.0-map_eccentricity)/(1.0+map_eccentricity)));
switch projection
case 'M'
x = map_equatorial_radius_m*kz*lam;
y = (map_equatorial_radius_m*q)/(2.0*kz);
case 'N'
tmp = qp - q;
tmp(abs(tmp) < epsilon) = 0.0;
rho = map_equatorial_radius_m*sqrt(tmp);
x = rho.*sin(lam);
y = -rho.*cos(lam);
case 'S'
tmp = qp + q;
tmp(abs(tmp) < epsilon) = 0.0;
rho = map_equatorial_radius_m*sqrt(tmp);
x = rho.*sin(lam);
y = rho.*cos(lam);
row = s0-(y/map_scale_m);
col = r0+(x/map_scale_m);
switch projection
case 'N'
idx = lat < 0.0;
row(idx) = NaN;
col(idx) = NaN;
case 'S'
idx = lat > 0.0;
row(idx) = NaN;
col(idx) = NaN;

% restrict indices to (zero-based) min and max indices
% (needed because of round-off error - GDL, 07 Jun 2013)

row = max( 0, min( rows-1, round(row)));
col = max( 0, min( cols-1, round(col)));

% *********************************************************************************************
% *********************************************************************************************
% *********************************************************************************************

function [ stats_out ] = stats_array( array_in, weights, Nstat )
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lat(idx) = NaN;
lon(idx) = NaN;

% ========= EOF =========================================================
18 changes: 17 additions & 1 deletion src/Applications/LDAS_App/util/shared/matlab/EASEv2_latlon2ind.m
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% Steven Chan, 11/2011
% Email:

function [row,col] = EASEv2_latlon2ind(lat,lon,gridid)
function [row,col] = EASEv2_latlon2ind(lat,lon,gridid,return_rounded)

% By design, [row, col] are real numbers, with the fractional portion indicating
% the position of the specified [lat, lon] coordinates between adjacent grid
% cell centers. E.g., col=0.5 indicates that the input longitude is on the
% boundary between grid cells associated with col=0 and col=1.
% If the [optional] input argument 'return_rounded' is present and ~=0, then
% [row, col] are rounded to the nearest integer.

% Constants returned by EASE2_GRID_INFO.PRO
projection = gridid(1);
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row(idx) = NaN;
col(idx) = NaN;

if exist('return_rounded','var')
if return_rounded

% ========= EOF =========================================================

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