A comprehensive Selenium wrapper for browser automation developed for MS Office VBA running in Windows
- Edge, Chrome, and Firefox browser automation support
- MS Excel Add-in, MS Access DB, and twinBASIC ActiveX DLL solutions available
- A superset of Selenium's W3C WebDriver commands - over 400 public methods and properties
- Support for HTML DOM, Action Chains, SendKeys, Shadow Roots, Cookies, ExecuteScript, CDP, and Capabilities
- Automated Browser/WebDriver version alignment - works out-of-the-box with no manual downloads necessary!
- Help documentation is available in the SeleniumVBA Wiki
What's New?
- Improved windows management with WebWindow and WebWindows classes
- Improved JavaScript Alert management with WebAlert class and SwitchToAlert method of WebDriver class
- Advanced keys support including Chord and Repeat methods of the WebKeyboard class
- Improved SendKeys and new SendKeysToOS methods - the later for sending key inputs to non-browser windows
- ExecuteCDP method exposing Chrome DevTools Protocol - a low-level interface for browser interaction.
SeleniumVBA will function right out-of-the-box. Just download/install any one of the provided SeleniumVBA solutions and then run one of the subs in the "test" Standard modules. If the Selenium WebDriver does not exist, or is out-of-date, SeleniumVBA will detect this automatically and download the appropriate driver to a configurable location on your system.
Driver updates can also be programmatically invoked via the WebDriverManager class.
The twinBASIC ActiveX DLL solution requires no dependencies (such as .Net Framework). To try it, download and run the installer in the dist folder.
Sub doSendKeys()
Dim driver As New WebDriver
Dim keys As New WebKeyboard
driver.NavigateTo "https://www.google.com/"
driver.Wait 1000
keySeq = "This is COOKL!" & keys.Repeat(keys.LeftKey, 3) & keys.DeleteKey & keys.ReturnKey
driver.FindElement(By.Name, "q").SendKeys keySeq
driver.Wait 2000
End Sub
Sub doFileDownload()
Dim driver As New WebDriver
Dim caps As WebCapabilities
'set the directory path for saving download to
Set caps = driver.CreateCapabilities
caps.SetDownloadPrefs downloadFolderPath:=".\"
driver.OpenBrowser caps
'delete legacy copy if it exists
driver.DeleteFiles ".\test.pdf"
driver.NavigateTo "https://github.com/GCuser99/SeleniumVBA/raw/main/dev/test_files/test.pdf"
'wait until the download is complete before closing browser
driver.WaitForDownload ".\test.pdf"
End Sub
Sub doActionChain()
Dim driver As New WebDriver
Dim keys As New WebKeyboard
Dim actions As WebActionChain
Dim elemSearch As WebElement
driver.NavigateTo "https://www.google.com/"
driver.Wait 1000
Set elemSearch = driver.FindElement(By.Name, "btnK")
Set actions = driver.ActionChain
'build the chain and then execute with Perform method
actions.KeyDown(keys.ShiftKey).SendKeys("upper case").KeyUp(keys.ShiftKey)
driver.Wait 2000
End Sub
This project is an extensively modified/extended version of uezo's TinySeleniumVBA
VBA-JSON by Tim Hall, JSON converter for VBA
RubberDuck by Mathieu Guindon
twinBASIC by Wayne Phillips
Inno Setup by Jordan Russell and UninsIS by Bill Stewart
vba-regex by sihlfall