This is GPS Nixie clock,include IN12B, IN14, IN16, and IN2 version.
SERIAL : output info to serial port.
DOT : use nixie tube dot.
GPS : time sync with Neo-6M - u-blox chip, this function only for IN14 IN16 version, and time sync separator is GPGGA[7] = {'$','G','P','G','G','A',','};
#define __SERIAL__ 1
#define DOT 1
#define __GPS__ 1
gps_update : gps sync period, unit is ms, 300000ms = 5min.
const unsigned long gps_update = 300000;
Type select, IN_14 == IN_16.
IN_12B = 100,
const bool sync_time = false; // sync time with Arduino IDE
const bool temperature_calibration = false; // offset
const bool dew_point = true; // calculate dew point
case '1' : clock mode
case '2' : temperature mode
case '3' : humidity mode
case '4' : flash mode
case '5' : counter mode
case '6' : '1' + '2' + '3'
case 's' | 'S' : set time
Android App modified BlueTerm project.
wxNixieClock is time sync tool for Nixie Clock project.(Only MAC-OS-X)
g++ -o2 -o wxnixieclock.cpp serialport.cpp connectargsdlg.cpp `wx-config --cxxflags --libs` -m64
1. Pair BT of MAC and Nixie Clock.
2. Open wxNixieClock to select tools -> Connect Device -> cu.BT device driver
3. Click SyncTime button
4. Done!
Install wxWidgets dependency in terminal
1. user$ /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
2. brew install wxwidgets