💭 Me: French cybersecurity enthusiast focusing on malware development, forensic and every CTF stuffs like THM (top 1%), root-me, etc.
📚 Personal website: I'm currently documenting my progress on some projects and doing other stuffs here. You can access to my GitBook from the website or from here
🎯 Goals 2025:
Malware Development
\___[+] Follow the complete series for maldev of crow
\_ 🔋 10% completing (pending project)🎮
\___[+] Doing thePenetration Tester
Job Role path (CPTS goal)
\_ 🔋 1% completing🫚
\___[+] Reach theInsider
rank (around 2453 points)
\_ 🔋 Currently at 2135 points (02/13/2025)🔖
\___[+] Aim to get the PJPT
\_ 🔋 100% completing: obtained in January 2025