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OGHarn: Oracle-guided Fuzzing Harness Generation

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This repository provides the source code for OGHarn: a prototype framework for automated generation of fuzzing harnesses for C library APIs.

This work is presented in our paper No Harness, No Problem: Oracle-guided Harnessing for Auto-generating C API Fuzzing Harnesses, appearing in the 2025 International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE'25).

OGHarn workflow

Citing this repository: @inproceedings{sherman:ogharn, title = {No Harness, No Problem: Oracle-guided Harnessing for Auto-generating C API Fuzzing Harnesses}, author = {Gabriel Sherman and Stefan Nagy}, booktitle = {{IEEE/ACM} {International} {Conference} on {Software Engineering} ({ICSE})}, year = {2025},}
Developers: Gabriel Sherman ( and Stefan Nagy (
License: MIT License
Disclaimer: This software is provided as-is with no warranty.

Our original paper-version artifact is located at:


OGHarn relies on the following tools, which must both be installed to the /extras directory:

  • Multiplier: a code indexer used in OGHarn's static analysis of the library under test.
  • AFL++: a grey-box fuzzer used in OGHarn's harness testing and code coverage analysis.

To install them, run either /extras/, or use our available Dockerfile.

Once Multiplier and AFL++ are installed to /extras, run /extras/ to:

  • Activate Multiplier's Python virtual environment and allows access to its API.
  • Add AFL++, Multiplier, and OGHarn to your system's PATH.
  • Install OGHarn's other Python dependencies (PyYAML, cfile v0.2.0).

Target Library Setup

The following details the necessary steps for configuring harness generation for new libraries. We recommend reviewing the demos folder for more detailed examples.

Step 1: Initial Setup

  • Library: Harnesses generated by OGHarn are expected to be compiled with a dynamically-linked library instrumented with AFL++ and off-the-shelf sanitizers. Any of the Makefile targets titled lib in the demos folder provide examples for building a library for use by OGHarn.
  • Index: OGHarn requires a .db file generated by Multiplier containing the index of the library. Any of the Makefile targets titled run_mx provide examples for indexing a library using Multiplier. Refer to the Multiplier Docs for additional guidance.

Step 2: Create Makefile and Define Key Flags

OGHarn relies on a user-supplied Makefile to define various flags and commands for compiling the harnesses targeting the library under test. It must begin with the following:

  • CC_FUZZ and CXX_FUZZ: AFL's compilers (afl-clang-fast and afl-clang-fast++, respectively).
  • CFLAGS_ASAN and CXXFLAGS_ASAN: Compiler flags for ASAN and UBSan instrumentation.
  • DEPS: Compile-time inclusion and linking commands for the eventual harnesses (e.g., -I ... -L ...).
  • DEPS_STC: Compile-time library flags for statically-linked dependencies.
  • DEPS_DYN: Compile-time library flags for dynamically-linked dependencies.
  • DEPS_LDD: Path to the directory containing the target's compiled shared library.

As an example, below are associated Makefile definitions for libMagic:

# Compilers and instrumentation (leave as-is).
CC_FUZZ         = afl-clang-fast    
CXX_FUZZ        = afl-clang-fast++
CFLAGS_ASAN     = -fsanitize=address,undefined
CXXFLAGS_ASAN 	= -fsanitize=address,undefined

# Library-specific settings (update accordingly).
DEPS            = -I library/src/ \
                  -L library/src/.libs
DEPS_STC        = -l:libmagic.a -llzma -lbz2 -lz -lzstd
DEPS_DYN        = -l magic
DEPS_LDD        = library/src/.libs/

Step 3: Define Makefile Commands for Harness Analysis

  • harness: Command to compile the harness using CC_FUZZ and DEPS_DYN (dynamic linking).
  • showmap: Command to execute the harness using afl-showmap. Set DEPS_LDD accordingly.

If harnesses must be linked statically, the following commands also need to be supplied. Must be used in conjunction with OGHarn argument --execute_both (see Optional Arguments and Experimental Modes).

  • harness_stc: Same as above, but with DEPS_STC (static linking).
  • showmap_stc: Same as above, but without setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

See the following example. Make sure that $(OUT) and $(SEED) are present as shown below, as these will be populated and used during OGHarn's harness generation.

harness: # Command for compiling individual harnesses.
  $(CC_FUZZ) -o $(OUT)/harness.out $(OUT)/harness.c $(DEPS) $(DEPS_DYN) $(CFLAGS_ASAN)

showmap: # Command for collecting harness code coverage.
  LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(DEPS_LDD) afl-showmap -o $(OUT)/tempfile -- $(OUT)/harness.out $(SEED)

These targets will generally be the same across libraries unless the library under test requires extra environment configuration (e.g., setting the MAGIC environment variable during execution of harnesses for magic).

Step 4: Select Library Seed Inputs

OGHarn relies on two user-supplied seed file directories:

  • seeds_valid: Files that will be accepted by the target library (e.g., valid JSONs for cJSON).
  • seeds_invalid: Random, perturbed seeds that will be rejected by the library.

OGHarn's seeds are no different than those used by fuzzers. For best results, we recommend using a varied corpus of valid and invalid seeds spanning a wide range of file sizes. Example seeds for various formats are available here:

Step 5: Optional Configuration

OGHarn allows for extra control over harnessing via a user-supplied config.yaml. Available settings include:

  • blacklist: List of functions to avoid during harnessing.
  • add_preamble: Library function to be called before fuzz data injection in any harness.
  • add_argument: Hardcoded argument value for a particular function.
  • add_defines: Any #define statements to include in each harness.

See demos/sqlite, demos/magic, and demos/pcre2 for relevant examples.

Step 6: Final Preparation

Before continuing, ensure that your Makefile as well as the seeds_valid and seeds_invalid directories are contained in the same folder, e.g.:

  /config.yaml (optional)

This directory (e.g., in_dir above) will serve as your input directory to OGHarn (passed via --input).

Generating Harnesses

To generate harnesses, run and update the following arguments accordingly. As an example, OGHarn's command for harnessing cJSON is: -i in -o out -n 3 --m in/lib.db -h cJSON.h -r b

See the scripts in each demos sub-directory for more examples.

Required Arguments

  • --input (-i): Path to directory housing the user-provided Makefile and both seeds_ dirs.
  • --output (-o): Path to the output directory where OGHarn's artifacts will be stored.
  • --numfuncs (-n): Maximum functions to call per harness following "data entrypoint" routines.
  • --mxdb (-m): Path to Multiplier's generated .db database file.
  • --headers (-h): Library headers to target, to be injected via #include in each harness.
  • --readhow (-r): Controls how the harnesses will read fuzzer-generated data:
    • buf (b): Via buffer (e.g., foo(char* buffer)).
    • file (p): Via file name/path (e.g., bar(char* filename)).

Optional Arguments and Experimental Modes

  • --config (-c): Path to optional config.yaml (see Optional Configuration).
  • --debug (-d): Report the following information from the harnessing campaign:
    • Failed harnesses and why they failed.
    • Successfully-generated harnesses.
    • Inferred function-to-function dependencies.
    • Multiplier-found declarations, typedef aliases, function pointers, enums, and macros.
    • Functions that were successfully harnessed.
    • Statistics about the harness generation campaign.
    • If applicable, values extracted from function call site parameter tracking.
  • --execute_both (-e): Run harnesses both dynamically/statically linked. Useful for linker-related crashes.
  • --recurse_headers (-x): Recursively parse all headers. Useful if definitions are spread across multiple files.
  • --fast_mode (-f): Work faster by disabling exhaustive arg search, keeping only the first-successful one.
  • --target_func (-t): Attempt harnessing to reach only the specified function. Useful for targeted fuzzing.
  • --allow_stderr (-as): Keeps harnesses where stderr output seen. Useful if stderr is valid API behavior.
  • --allow_lincov (-al): Keeps harnesses with linear codecov deltas. Useful for low input-dependent logic.
  • --allow_consts (-ac): Considers const args from one function as potential non-const args for others.
  • --allow_deepaux (-ad): Arg resolution via deeper auxiliary sequences. Adds significant cost to harnessing.
  • --allow_pvalret (-ap): Try to retrieve concrete parameter values via Multiplier's callsite analysis.

Additional Notes

Below details several enhancements and limitations to OGHarn. We refer readers to our paper for full details.

Newer Enhancements

The following enhancements were not present in our paper's version of OGHarn.

  • Targeted Harnessing: OGHarn previously only supported library-wide harnessing, but now supports function-specific harnessing (via --target_func). This helped us find bugs like pganalyze/libpg_query#254, htacg/tidy-html5#1120, and OpenPrinting/cups#1026. This is still considered an experimental feature.
  • Struct Member Population: OGHarn previously avoided structs entirely, but now attempts limited population of their members. This is still considered an experimental feature. We anticipate that OGHarn's current implementation is not well-suited to many struct-based libraries (e.g., libPNG, libVPX, etc.).
  • Deeper Argument Resolution Sequences: OGHarn previously only resolved API-specific types (e.g., cJSON *) by injecting calls to single "auxiliary functions". By toggling-on --allow_deepaux, OGHarn will attempt multi-function sequences for resolving such arguments. This is still considered an experimental feature.
  • Concrete Parameter Value Retrieval: OGHarn previously operated only on targeted header files, but now optionally invokes Multiplier's aggressive library-wide callsite analysis to learn and consider possible concrete values in its mutation of function parameters. This helped us find bugs some bugs like pantoniou/libfyaml#121 and pantoniou/libfyaml#122. Enable this mode via --allow_pvalret.


If harnessing appears to be failing, we recommend using the --debug flag and inspecting OGHarn's reported information in the output/debug directory. Two important debugging artifacts are:

  • log_failed.txt: Each failing harness and why it was discarded by OGHarn.
  • log_multiplier.txt: Any available information about the library from Multiplier.


  • C Libraries: OGHarn currently supports only C-based libraries.
  • Multiplier: In cases where Multiplier fails, OGHarn will not work. We aren't sure of the extent of this.
  • Struct Population: As described above, we are only at the beginning of testing out struct population. We leave refining this to future work.
  • Server-Client APIs: OGHarn does not support functions requiring complex server-client-style setup.

Bug Trophy Case

We are pleased that OGHarn helped uncover the following software bugs and security vulnerabilities:

API Reported Bugs
HDF5 HDFGroup/hdf5#3790, HDFGroup/hdf5#4431, HDFGroup/hdf5#4432, HDFGroup/hdf5#4433, HDFGroup/hdf5#4434, HDFGroup/hdf5#4435
Lexbor lexbor/lexbor#220, lexbor/lexbor#221, lexbor/lexbor#222
libFYAML pantoniou/libfyaml#107, pantoniou/libfyaml#108, pantoniou/libfyaml#118, pantoniou/libfyaml#119, pantoniou/libfyaml#120, pantoniou/libfyaml#121, pantoniou/libfyaml#122, pantoniou/libfyaml#123
libGEOS libgeos/geos#1021, libgeos/geos#1070, libgeos/geos#1071, libgeos/geos#1072, libgeos/geos#1073, libgeos/geos#1074, libgeos/geos#1084
libICAL libical/libical#677, libical/libical#678
libUCL vstakhov/libucl#288, vstakhov/libucl#289, vstakhov/libucl#290, vstakhov/libucl#291, vstakhov/libucl#292, vstakhov/libucl#293
StormLib ladislav-zezula/StormLib#327, ladislav-zezula/StormLib#328, ladislav-zezula/StormLib#329, ladislav-zezula/StormLib#330, ladislav-zezula/StormLib#331, ladislav-zezula/StormLib#332, ladislav-zezula/StormLib#333, ladislav-zezula/StormLib#334, ladislav-zezula/StormLib#335, ladislav-zezula/StormLib#336, ladislav-zezula/StormLib#337, ladislav-zezula/StormLib#338
RayLib raysan5/raylib#3924
libPG_Query pganalyze/libpg_query#254
Tidy-HTML5 htacg/tidy-html5#1120
PCRE2 PCRE2Project/pcre2#561
CUPS OpenPrinting/cups#1026

If you find any other bugs using OGHarn, please let us know!


This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 2419798: CICI: TCR: Practical, Systematic Fuzz Testing for Securing Scientific Software.