The official Trowel Component for progress Progress is a Trowel Component, please refer to the Trowel doc for more informations about how works Trowel Components
You can easily install Trowel Progress by using npm, Yarn or Bower
# With bower
$ bower install trowel-progress
# With npm
$ npm install trowel-progress
# With yarn
$ yarn add trowel-progress
You can also download a zip archive right here.
The main scss file to include to your main .scss
file is located at the ./src/scss/progress.scss
. As a Trowel Component, it also requires two dependencies to compile the scss code. Here an scss installation snippet.
// Trowel Dependencies
@import './path/to/dependencies/trowel-core/src/trowel';
// Trowel Components Progress
@import './path/to/dependencies/trowel-progress/src/scss/progress.scss';
If you don't want to customize the trowel component in scss
you can use the css file available at ./dest/css/progress.css
. A minified version is available at the same location.
The twig template is located at the ./src/twig/progres.html.twig
to be written
If you want to contribute you can checkout the contribution guide over here
MIT © Trowel