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Logan H-D edited this page Oct 22, 2021 · 5 revisions


If you don't already, you'll need at least Python 3.6 or newer. You can download it here. Python 2 is not supported, and never will be.

To install VodBot, clone the repo or download a zip of the repo, and run the command pip install . inside the repo directory in your terminal or command line of choice. From there on, VodBot can be run with the command vodbot.


To start using VodBot, the program needs to be configured first. Running vodbot init will bring up a bunch of dialogue inputs for setting up the program with all the necessary bits. Without doing this, VodBot may exit during any command with errors about an unconfigured configuration file.

You can use different configs with the -c <path_to_conf> or --config <path_to_conf> parameter, with path_to_conf being the location of the conf.json you'd like to use.

Downloading videos

Once initialization is finished, videos can be downloaded with the vodbot pull or vodbot download command. If you'd like to just download VODs or Clips, you can run vodbot pull vods or vodbot pull clips respectively.

If you'd like to get info on a specific Channel, VOD, or Clip, you can run vodbot info <link_to_item> and VodBot will show a table of useful information for the requested item. Usually, you'll want the ID from the table for use with VodBot.

Preparing videos for use

Once your videos are downloaded, you will need to create a stage for them. You can do this by running vodbot stage new <video_id>, with the video ID being the ID of a VOD or Clip. You can even put in multiple ID's to stitch videos together, although a regular video editor is recommended in place of this as VodBot does not re-encode videos.

When the command is run, a series of questions will be asked, such as title and description of the staged data, and the start and stop timestamps for each videos. Once entered, VodBot will save this entered data and wait for it to be used by exporting or uploading staged data. There will also be a unique four character stage identifier printed.

Each field can be filled outside of this text prompt, read vodbot stage new -h for more details.

If you'd like to list all the instances of staged data you have created, simply run vodbot stage list. If you want info on a specific instance, run vodbot stage list <stage_id>.

If you'd like to remove an instance of staged data, run vodbot stage rm <stage_id>.

Exporting videos

To export a video, run vodbot export <stage_id> <export_directory>. Stage ID is the same as what it was in the previous step, however you can substitute it with the keyword all to export all instances of staged data. Export directory is just a folder where all the files will be put into, it will be made if it doesn't exist. VodBot will stop if there are existing files that clash with export names, so be careful.

Both the video itself and the chat log exported as subtitles will be in the directory when VodBot is finished. From there you can upload the video and subtitles to YouTube.

Automatically Uploading videos

VodBot requires that you set up a Google Developer account in order to upload to YouTube currently. This is meant for advanced users. If you feel you know what you're doing, there is a guide here.

The syntax for uploading is identical to export, minus the directory: vodbot upload <stage_id>. Same as with export, you can substitute the stage ID with the keyword all to upload all instances of staged data.