The platform to read manga endlessly.
Install Docker. Docker Desktop is the easiest way to setup.
Clone the repository :
git clone
Them install all necessary dependencies :
npm install
After that generate the Prisma Client for your OS :
npx prisma generate
Create a .env file in the root of the directory with the variables DATABASE_URL and SESSION_SECRET.
For the DATABASE_URL, use
Then :
docker compose up -d
Docker Compose will pull the prismagraphql/mongo-single-replica:4.4.3-bionic image and use it to create a volume as a replica set for Prisma. It is needed to run Prisma transactions in local. This replica set is used as the database.
# This image automatically creates a replica set required for transactions
image: prismagraphql/mongo-single-replica:4.4.3-bionic
- 27017:27017
For the SESSION_SECRET, you need to generate a SSH Key and get the fingerprint.
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096
At the end the .env file should look to something like :
Create an accout on uploadthing. Then get your keys. For the version 7.3.0
, you will need UPLOADTHING_TOKEN
Then serve locally :
npm run dev
Prisma studio to explore and manipulate the data :
npx prisma studio
Test environment:
npm run test:ui
- Change width : responsive width images or adjust the width
- Gap between the page with a range of possible gaps
- Progress Bar (pages read / total of pages)
- One single page or multiple pages
- Next/Prev pages button
- pages drop down
- Chapters dropdown
- Next/Prev chapter Button
- Reading direction (from left to right, from right to left, ...)
- Bookmark the chapter (authentication needed !)
- Add tests with vitest and / or cypress
- Don't forget to add placeholder for lazy loaded images
- Add a type for the cursor class
- Add the manga image in the db to display it in the history
- Create a single or two /lib functions to getUser / getUserId, one with redirect and the oter without it
- create a custom 404 page
- add buttons to reload fetching (for example popular, last released manga) when it fails
- create a separate file for swr tags and revalidateTag tags
- replace "altTitle" by "mangaSlug", which is a more suitable variable name
- BIG task: add history for the mangas with seasons, and also bookmarks support
- also history and bookmark support when the chapters names is not "chapter" but for example "episode"
- add a loading state for the bookmarking
- clear out the search form
- Break the massive zustand store into slices
- use the theme to get system for the theme if it is the case
- When user reaches the end of the last chapter, the next chapter button should lead to the mangaPage instead of being grayed out
- remove all the barrels
- can we use a generic function to represent all cleanup functions ?
- finish the dockerfile and optimize its size
- deploy on google cloud vm (temporary)
- fix the cache issues
- add an open graph image
- fix all tests and add all new tests (for the function sleep and the function clean)
- update the node version in the dockerfile from node 18 to node 20 (minimum)
- update all dependencies, and fix all lint errors
- get uploadthing working in production
If you want to contribute :
Fork the repo.
Then clone your fork to your local machine (replace <your_username> by your GitHub username) using :
git clone<your-username>/manga-xr.git
Create a new branch
git checkout -b <new-branch-name>
After making your changes, commit on your branch then submit a Pull Request.
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