Functional | Supported |
Auto creating SOL wallet and linking | ✅ |
Multithreading | ✅ |
Binding a proxy to a session | ✅ |
Binding a proxy to a session/query_id | ✅ |
Settings | Description |
API_ID / API_HASH | Platform data from which to launch a Telegram session (stock - Android) |
DELAY_BETWEEN_STARTING_BOT | Delay between starting in seconds (eg. [20, 30]) |
USE_PROXY_FROM_JS_FILE | Whether to use proxy from the bot/config/proxies.js file (True / False) |
USE_PROXY_FROM_TXT_FILE | Whether to use proxy from the bot/config/proxies.txt file (True / False) |
You can download Repository by cloning it to your system and installing the necessary dependencies:
~ >>> git clone
~ >>> cd PawsSOLConnector
#Linux and MocOS
~/PawsSOLConnector >>> chmod +x
~/PawsSOLConnector >>> ./
~/PawsSOLConnector >>> npm install
~/PawsSOLConnector >>> cp .env-example .env
~/PawsSOLConnector >>> nano .env # Here you must specify your API_ID and API_HASH , the rest is taken by default
~/PawsSOLConnector >>> node index.js
1. Double click on INSTALL.bat in PawsSOLConnector directory to install the dependencies
2. Double click on START.bat in PawsSOLConnector directory to start the bot
~/PawsSOLConnector >>> npm install
~/PawsSOLConnector >>> cp .env-example .env
~/PawsSOLConnector >>> # Specify your API_ID and API_HASH, the rest is taken by default
~/PawsSOLConnector >>> node index.js
Also for quick launch you can use arguments, for example:
~/PawsSOLConnector >>> node index.js --action=1
~/PawsSOLConnector >>> node index.js --action=2
#1 - Create session
#2 - Run clicker