ScriptPlayer v1.1.0
The following Video Players are provided as-is and are no longer actively maintained:
- Samsung VR
- Kodi
- Whirligig
Video Previews
ScriptPlayer now shows previews of videos and thumbnails of the current video when you hover the bar at the bottom (where the heatmap is), the next / previous buttons or a playlist-entry.
- generate and show preview GIFs for next/previous video and in playlist
- generate and show video thumbnails when hovering the seek bar
- generate and show heatmap for next/previous video and in playlist
- generate thumbnail banners
Minimalistic Setup Instructions:*
- Download and install FFMPEG as described in the settings-dialog.
- Add videos to the playlist
- Click "generate all" in the menu.
- Wait for FFMPEG to finish
Buttplug / Intiface
Updated Buttgplug/Intiface Client (new Version / UI)
Automated some steps you need when using Buttplug
- Auto-Start Buttplug
- Auto-Connect Buttplug
- Auto search for devices
- Auto show device manager
Added chapter-modes
If you don't want to watch an entire video but short sections of many videos, there are now plenty of options to do that:
- Fastest chapter
- Fastest chapter (limited duration)
- Random chapter
- Random chapter (limited duration)
- Fastest section
- Random section
New Logic to ensure single instance
(and pass on arguments like video file names)
In case someone is using ScriptPlayer as the default program for certain file types.
Search for text in settings
Just what it says: If you know the name of the settings but not where it is hidden, just type it into the search bar.
Multiple Conversion Modes for vibrators
- Position = Speed
- Speed = Speed
- Speed = Speed but only half the duration
Added more options on how to display elapsed/total time of loaded media
Basically controls what you would consider the "duration" of the video:
- Media Progress
- Content and Gaps
- Content only
Format preference
Prefer .txt over .funscript or .mp4 over .webm but you have both for the same video?
- specify a priority for different file formats (when multiple are available)
Keyboard mappings are now editable
(not all options available yet, but it's steadily growing)
- Support for sub-directories in the Paths option-
KODI support
(Provided as-is, was contributed by a user)
Auto-Homing (Move to 0 when pausing)
Also 100% User-contribution - thanks again
Remember Window Position option
Fallback Scripts can now be picked randomly
(if you specify a directory instead of a file)
- With gaps removed
- And looped to the full duration of the video
Slight improvements to Soft-Seek
Range Extender
When you have a great script but the range is lacking, this setting will stretch the up/down movement.
"Reload Script" Button (for debugging scripts)
Improved Script Positions Preview (Colored)
Many more Playlist-Options
- Add folder
- Show Duration
- Check if script exists
- Previews (see FFMPEG)
- Multi-Select
- Move Top/Bottom
- Sort (Filename, Path, Duration or Shuffle)
- Search field
- Random Playback mode is now slightly less random to ensure the same video won't be played again too soon
Simple Script-Editing commands
(Shift, Trim, Save)
Attributions Dialog
Support for Legacy-Automation Software
(via WndProc / SendKeys)
OSD Messages for Zoom-Player
Fixed an issue with the timestamp-server in newer versions
(Newest Version doesn't seem to work for whatever reason)
Playlist in Main Window
Playlist is now also in the main window - like the settings panel, just on the left.
Fuzzy Name Matching
If your video player shows "Video Name (2019)" instead of "Video Name.mp4" and SP can't find a script with that name - that can now be fixed with some regex magic in the settings (Players/Fuzzy Name Matching)
Video Crop
Lets you select the section of the video you want to show (e.g. to crop out the beatbar of a CH/FH video)