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[filter] support no control
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FrancoisCarouge committed Jul 24, 2022
1 parent c0fdb0e commit d0f405d
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Showing 6 changed files with 200 additions and 18 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
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Expand Up @@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ class kalman
| --- | --- |
| `State` | The type template parameter of the state vector x. State variables can be observed (measured), or hidden variables (inferred). This is the the mean of the multivariate Gaussian. |
| `Output` | The type template parameter of the measurement vector z. |
| `Input` | The type template parameter of the control u. |
| `Input` | The type template parameter of the control u. A `void` input type can be used for systems with no input control to disable all of the input control features, the control transition matrix G support, and the other related computations from the filter. |
| `Transpose` | The customization point object template parameter of the matrix transpose functor. |
| `Symmetrize` | The customization point object template parameter of the matrix symmetrization functor. |
| `Divide` | The customization point object template parameter of the matrix division functor. |
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149 changes: 149 additions & 0 deletions include/fcarouge/internal/kalman.hpp
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Expand Up @@ -67,6 +67,155 @@ struct kalman {
//! @todo Support some more specializations, all, or disable others?

template <typename State, typename Output, typename Transpose,
typename Symmetrize, typename Divide, typename Identity,
typename... UpdateTypes, typename... PredictionTypes>
struct kalman<State, Output, void, Transpose, Symmetrize, Divide, Identity,
pack<UpdateTypes...>, pack<PredictionTypes...>> {
struct empty {
using state = State;
using output = Output;
using input = empty;
using estimate_uncertainty =
std::decay_t<std::invoke_result_t<Divide, State, State>>;
using process_uncertainty =
std::decay_t<std::invoke_result_t<Divide, State, State>>;
using output_uncertainty =
std::decay_t<std::invoke_result_t<Divide, Output, Output>>;
using state_transition =
std::decay_t<std::invoke_result_t<Divide, State, State>>;
using output_model =
std::decay_t<std::invoke_result_t<Divide, Output, State>>;
using input_control = empty;
using gain = std::decay_t<std::invoke_result_t<Transpose, output_model>>;
using innovation = output;
using innovation_uncertainty = output_uncertainty;
using observation_state_function =
std::function<output_model(const state &, const UpdateTypes &...)>;
using noise_observation_function = std::function<output_uncertainty(
const state &, const output &, const UpdateTypes &...)>;
using transition_state_function = std::function<state_transition(
const state &, const PredictionTypes &...)>;
using noise_process_function = std::function<process_uncertainty(
const state &, const PredictionTypes &...)>;
using transition_control_function = empty;
using transition_function =
std::function<state(const state &, const PredictionTypes &...)>;
using observation_function =
std::function<output(const state &, const UpdateTypes &...arguments)>;

//! @todo Is there a simpler way to initialize to the zero matrix?
state x{ 0 * Identity().template operator()<state>() };
estimate_uncertainty p{
Identity().template operator()<estimate_uncertainty>()
process_uncertainty q{
0 * Identity().template operator()<process_uncertainty>()
output_uncertainty r{ 0 *
Identity().template operator()<output_uncertainty>() };
output_model h{ Identity().template operator()<output_model>() };
state_transition f{ Identity().template operator()<state_transition>() };
gain k{ Identity().template operator()<gain>() };
innovation y{ 0 * Identity().template operator()<innovation>() };
innovation_uncertainty s{
Identity().template operator()<innovation_uncertainty>()
output z{ 0 * Identity().template operator()<output>() };

//! @todo Should we pass through the reference to the state x or have the user
//! access it through k.x() when needed? Where does the practical/performance
//! tradeoff leans toward? For the general case? For the specialized cases?
//! Same question applies to other parameters.
//! @todo Pass the arguments by universal reference?
observation_state_function observation_state_h{
[this](const state &x, const UpdateTypes &...arguments) -> output_model {
(static_cast<void>(arguments), ...);
return h;
noise_observation_function noise_observation_r{
[this](const state &x, const output &z,
const UpdateTypes &...arguments) -> output_uncertainty {
(static_cast<void>(arguments), ...);
return r;
transition_state_function transition_state_f{
[this](const state &x,
const PredictionTypes &...arguments) -> state_transition {
(static_cast<void>(arguments), ...);
return f;
noise_process_function noise_process_q{
[this](const state &x,
const PredictionTypes &...arguments) -> process_uncertainty {
(static_cast<void>(arguments), ...);
return q;
transition_function transition{
[this](const state &x, const PredictionTypes &...arguments) -> state {
(static_cast<void>(arguments), ...);
return f * x;
observation_function observation{
[this](const state &x, const UpdateTypes &...arguments) -> output {
(static_cast<void>(arguments), ...);
return h * x;

Transpose transpose;
Divide divide;
Symmetrize symmetrize;
Identity identity;

//! @todo Do we want to store i - k * h in a temporary result for reuse? Or
//! does the compiler/linker do it for us?
//! @todo Do we want to support extended custom y = output_difference(z,
//! observation(x))?
inline constexpr void update(const UpdateTypes &...arguments,
const auto &...output_z)
const auto i{ identity.template operator()<estimate_uncertainty>() };

z = output{ output_z... };
h = observation_state_h(x, arguments...); // x, z, args?
r = noise_observation_r(x, z, arguments...);
s = h * p * transpose(h) + r;
k = divide(p * transpose(h), s);
y = z - observation(x, arguments...);
x = x + k * y;
p = symmetrize(estimate_uncertainty{
(i - k * h) * p * transpose(i - k * h) + k * r * transpose(k) });

inline constexpr void predict(const PredictionTypes &...arguments)
f = transition_state_f(x, arguments...);
q = noise_process_q(x, arguments...);
x = transition(x, arguments...);
p = symmetrize(estimate_uncertainty{ f * p * transpose(f) + q });

inline constexpr void
operator()(const PredictionTypes &...prediction_arguments,
const UpdateTypes &...update_arguments, const auto &...output_z)
update(update_arguments..., output_z...);

template <typename State, typename Output, typename Input, typename Transpose,
typename Symmetrize, typename Divide, typename Identity,
typename... UpdateTypes, typename... PredictionTypes>
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31 changes: 23 additions & 8 deletions include/fcarouge/kalman.hpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -83,11 +83,14 @@ struct identity_matrix {
//! the measurement (Z, R), the measurement function H, and if the system has
//! control inputs (U, B). Designing a filter is as much art as science.
//! @tparam State The type template parameter of the state vector X. State
//! @tparam State The type template parameter of the state vector x. State
//! variables can be observed (measured), or hidden variables (inferred). This
//! is the the mean of the multivariate Gaussian.
//! @tparam Output The type template parameter of the measurement vector Z.
//! @tparam Input The type template parameter of the control U.
//! @tparam Output The type template parameter of the measurement vector z.
//! @tparam Input The type template parameter of the control u. A `void` input
//! type can be used for systems with no input control to disable all of the
//! input control features, the control transition matrix G support, and the
//! other related computations from the filter.
//! @tparam Transpose The customization point object template parameter of the
//! matrix transpose functor.
//! @tparam Symmetrize The customization point object template parameter of the
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -150,7 +153,7 @@ struct identity_matrix {
//! re-initializations but to what default?
//! @todo Could the Input be void by default? Or empty?
template <
typename State = double, typename Output = State, typename Input = State,
typename State = double, typename Output = State, typename Input = void,
typename Transpose = std::identity, typename Symmetrize = std::identity,
typename Divide = std::divides<void>, typename Identity = identity_matrix,
typename UpdateTypes = internal::empty_pack_t,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -185,6 +188,8 @@ class kalman
using output = typename implementation::output;

//! @brief Type of the control vector U.
//! @todo Conditionally remove this member type when no input is present.
using input = typename implementation::input;

//! @brief Type of the estimated correlated variance matrix P.
Expand All @@ -211,6 +216,8 @@ class kalman
//! @brief Type of the control transition matrix G.
//! @details Also known as B.
//! @todo Conditionally remove this member type when no input is present.
using input_control = typename implementation::input_control;

//! @brief Type of the gain matrix K.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -370,12 +377,14 @@ class kalman

//! @brief Returns the last control vector U.
//! @details Not present when the filter has no input.
//! @return The last control vector U.
//! @complexity Constant.
[[nodiscard("The returned control vector U is unexpectedly "
"discarded.")]] inline constexpr auto
u() const -> input
u() const -> input requires(!std::is_void_v<Input>)
return filter.u;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -860,7 +869,7 @@ class kalman
//! @complexity Constant.
[[nodiscard("The returned control transition matrix G is unexpectedly "
"discarded.")]] inline constexpr auto
g() const -> input_control
g() const -> input_control requires(!std::is_void_v<Input>)
return filter.g;
Expand All @@ -870,7 +879,8 @@ class kalman
//! @param value The copied control transition matrix G.
//! @complexity Constant.
inline constexpr void g(const input_control &value)
inline constexpr void
g(const input_control &value) requires(!std::is_void_v<Input>)
filter.g = value;
Expand All @@ -880,7 +890,8 @@ class kalman
//! @param value The moved control transition matrix G.
//! @complexity Constant.
inline constexpr void g(input_control &&value)
inline constexpr void
g(input_control &&value) requires(!std::is_void_v<Input>)
filter.g = std::move(value);
Expand All @@ -894,6 +905,7 @@ class kalman
//! @complexity Constant.
inline constexpr void g(const auto &value, const auto &...values) requires(
!std::is_void_v<Input> &&
typename implementation::transition_control_function,
Expand All @@ -910,6 +922,7 @@ class kalman
//! @complexity Constant.
inline constexpr void g(auto &&value, auto &&...values) requires(
!std::is_void_v<Input> &&
typename implementation::transition_control_function,
Expand All @@ -929,6 +942,7 @@ class kalman
//! @complexity Constant.
inline constexpr void g(const auto &callable) requires(
!std::is_void_v<Input> &&
std::is_assignable_v<typename implementation::transition_control_function,
Expand All @@ -945,6 +959,7 @@ class kalman
//! @complexity Constant.
inline constexpr void g(auto &&callable) requires(
!std::is_void_v<Input> &&
std::is_assignable_v<typename implementation::transition_control_function,
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions sample/dog_position.cpp
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Expand Up @@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ namespace
//! @example dog_position.cpp
[[maybe_unused]] auto dog_position{ [] {
using kalman = fcarouge::kalman<double, double, double>;
kalman k;

// Initialization
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12 changes: 4 additions & 8 deletions test/f.cpp
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Expand Up @@ -77,28 +77,24 @@ namespace

const auto f{ [](const kalman::state &x,
const kalman::input &u) -> kalman::state_transition {
const auto f{ [](const kalman::state &x) -> kalman::state_transition {
return 6.;
} };
assert(k.f() == 5);
assert(k.f() == 6);

const auto f{ [](const kalman::state &x,
const kalman::input &u) -> kalman::state_transition {
const auto f{ [](const kalman::state &x) -> kalman::state_transition {
return 7.;
} };
assert(k.f() == 6);
assert(k.f() == 7);

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23 changes: 22 additions & 1 deletion test/initialization.cpp
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Expand Up @@ -45,8 +45,29 @@ namespace fcarouge::test
//! @test Verifies default values are initialized for single-dimension filters.
//! @test Verifies default values are initialized for single-dimension filters
//! without input control.
[[maybe_unused]] auto defaults110{ [] {
kalman k;

assert(k.f() == 1);
assert(k.h() == 1);
assert(k.k() == 1);
assert(k.p() == 1);
assert(k.q() == 0 && "No process noise by default.");
assert(k.r() == 0 && "No observation noise by default.");
assert(k.s() == 1);
assert(k.x() == 0 && "Origin state.");
assert(k.y() == 0);
assert(k.z() == 0);

return 0;
}() };

//! @test Verifies default values are initialized for single-dimension filters
//! with input control.
[[maybe_unused]] auto defaults111{ [] {
using kalman = fcarouge::kalman<double, double, double>;
kalman k;

assert(k.f() == 1);
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