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A visual editor to create tasks of all kinds


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schema.json generator prop

Common syntax

"generator": [ // optional, array of rules

    {  // rule
        "scope": { // optional, set variables in node scope
            "test_var": "22",
            "scope_file_prefix": "aaa_"
        "condition": { // optional, rule will be executed if node scope satisfy the conditions
            "var1": "1",
            "var2": null
        "input": { // optional
            "modifier": "images_src" // optional, set input modifier
        "output": {
            "inject": { // optional, inject data into teplate, find place by selector
                "template": "index.html"
                "selector": "#data"
            "copy": "destination" // optional, copy and rename file(s) to destination


Each node have own scope, it node scope = parent node scope + vars defined in node rules


Execute rule only if scope var "var1" equal to "1"

"condition": {
    "var1": "1"

Execute rule only if scope var "test_var" not defined in scope

"condition": {
    "var1": null


Optinal prop. If not defined then raw task data come to output.

Extract src attribute from image tags:

"input": {
    "modifier": "images_src"


Can have "inject" or/and "copy" props.

Inject data to html

Selector syntax based on jQuery selectors syntax + ability to define JS variable, for example:

"output": {
    "inject": {
        "template": "test.html",
        "selector": "#script-wrapper>script $single_text"

Make sure your template supports both RTL and LTR contents.

Inject data to json

Dot-notation selector syntax, arrays not supported

"output": {
    "inject": {
        "template": "test.json",
        "selector": "prop1.prop2"

In addition to "template" and "selector", you can specify a "translate" boolean property to each inject specifying whether it should be translated for different languages or not. The d efault value is true.

Copy file(s)

Placeholders supported. Scope vars + files specific vars [name] [ext] [index]

"output": {
    "copy": "[scope_var]/[name][ext]"

Advanced Section

Specify advanced fields of each object like this:

"advanced": ["taskSettings"]


Translation supported. Add languages object to the top-level schema. Original must be specified. rtl is optional and adds rtl editors for those languages.

"languages": {
    "list": {
        "en": "English",
        "fr": "French",
        "de": "Dutch",
        "fa": "فارسی"
    "rtl": ["fa"],
    "original": "en"

For each object, you can specify which fields can be translated using the translate property:

"translate": ["PEMTaskMetaData", "FIOITaskMetaData", "title", "task", "solution", "testFiles"]

Post processor

Post processor placeholders may be used in templates and task data.

Placeholders supported :

%%TASK_PATH%% (relative path to task)
%%LANG_DIR%%  (Either rtl or ltr based on the language)


A visual editor to create tasks of all kinds







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