FOL (FoxOwlet Language) - general purpose OOP/FP programming language made purely for the entertainment/educational reasons.
Development process (in Ukrainian): YouTube
- fol-emulator - computer model (may be treated as a virtual machine for the FOL): memory model, CPU emulation, etc.
- fol-ir - internal representation (syntax tree) of the FOL as well as parser implementation.
- fol-interpreter - Java-based interpreter for the FOL.
- fol-asm - assembly language model (FOAL - FoxOwlet Assembly Language). Representation of the machine operations of the fol-emulator's CPU model.
- fol-compiler - compiler from FOL to the machine code (fol-emulator commands).
- fol-lsp - LSP server implementation for the FOL.
Requires JRE 21+ and FOL interpreter uberjar (foli.jar
) which might be downloaded
from the releases page or built from sources.
java -jar <path to foli.jar>
# or, if rlwrap is installed,
rlwrap -a java -jar <path to foli.jar>
fol> var i: Int = 21 * 2
fol> print(i)
fol> exit
java -jar <path to foli.jar> <file> [<file>...]
echo 'print(42)' > demo.fol # create a simple FOL program
java -jar foli.jar demo.fol # interpret it
- JDK 21
- Apache Maven
To obtain the latest interpreter uberjar (executable jar with all the required dependencies):
- Clone the repository locally
git clone
- Switch to the repository directory and run the build
cd FOL mvn clean package -DskipTests
should be generated under thedist/
To run all the tests:
mvn clean test
Make sure that fol-ir/target/generated-sources/antlr4/
directory is marked as a Generated Sources Root.
See fol.g4 file for the ANTLR4 grammar.
Note: most features are not supported yet, this is present for the demonstration purpose only.
ns com.foxowlet.demo
import random
import json :only [read]
export :all :except [names map set]
class Fox {
val name: String
var age: Int = 10
constructor(name: String, age: Int) default // assign values to fields with matching names
constructor(kw: Keyword) {
val name: String =
this(name, 42)
println("Secondary constructor called")
def fromJson(json: String): Fox {
val obj: Map[String, Any] = read(json) ;; generics with [T] syntax
Fox(obj("name"), obj("age")) ;; Map is treated as a function from key to value
// literals for sequences/collections
val names: Seq[String] = ["foo" "bar" "buz"]
val map: Map[String, Int] = {"a": 1, "b": 2}
val set: Set[Int] = #{1 2 3}
def genFox(): Fox {
val name: String = names( ;; Seq is treated as a function from Int index to value
val age: Int =
Fox(age: age, name: name)
def syntaxTest(): Unit->Unit { // returns no-args function that returns nothing
for (i : range(10)) { // loop over sequence, i var is created implicitly
when (i > 5) println("foo")
println(if (i == 3) "three" else i.str()) // if is an expression
#(x: Int){println(x)}(x: 12) // declare lambda and call it
#(){println(10)} // return no-arg lambda
def withVarargs(& ints: Seq[Int]): Unit { // varargs declared with the & syntax
withVarargs(1,2,3) // pass varargs explicitly
withVarargs(...[1,2,3]) // pass collection as varargs, same as withVarargs(1,2,3)
println(...{:obj 42}) // same as println(obj: 42)