When I started using Modelica a couple of years ago, I thought that I have finally found the single platform to do all my simulations. Obviously, I couldn't be more wrong. As a mechanical engineer, we deal with a lot of simulations, including continuous systems with governing partial differential equations. You would assume that this should be a solved problem by now, but apparently, there is nothing but a lot of questions asked in different forums, none answered properly. So I'm making this repository out of frustration to collect all the available examples I can find anywhere on the internet. Plus, all the relevant publications, all the questions asked in different forums, and other useful resources.
- investigate google search results and adding links to this page
- looking into the litterer and finding relevant papers and adding to the list
- writing summary for papers
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xtKLaG0tCgY
- http://omwebbook.openmodelica.org/static/ApplicationEx/PressureDynamics.html
- https://openmodelica.org/forum/default-topic/182-partial-differential-equations-in-om#p8013
- https://openmodelica.org/forum/default-topic/497-modelling-partial-differential-equation-using-pre-operator#p8016
- Saldamli, Levon, and Peter Fritzson. "Domains and Partial Differential Equations in Modelica." 42nd Conference on Simulation and Modeling (SIMS2001), 8-9 October 2001, Telemark University, Porsgrunn, Norway. 2001.
- Tiller, Michael, ed. Introduction to physical modeling with Modelica. Vol. 615. Springer, 2001.
- Saldamli, Levon, Peter Fritzson, and Bernhard Bachmann. "Extending Modelica for partial differential equations." 2nd International Modelica Conference, proceedings. 2002.
- Casella, Francesco, and Francesco Schiavo. "Modelling and simulation of heat exchangers in Modelica with finite element methods." Proceedings of the 3rd International Modelica Conference. 2003.
- Sheshadri, Krishnamurthy, and Peter Fritzson. "A general symbolic PDE solver generator: Beyond explicit schemes." Scientific Programming 11.3 (2003): 225-235.
- Saldamli, Levon, et al. "A framework for describing and solving PDE models in Modelica." Paper presented at the 4th International Modelica Conference. 2005.
- Li, Zhihua, Huili Zhang, and Ling Zheng. "Description of PDE models in modelica." Computer Science and Computational Technology, 2008. ISCSCT'08. International Symposium on. Vol. 1. IEEE, 2008.
- Li, Zhihua, Ling Zheng, and Huili Zhang. "Solving pde models in modelica." Information Science and Engineering, 2008. ISISE'08. International Symposium on. Vol. 1. IEEE, 2008.
- Li, Zhihua, Ling Zheng, and Huili Zhang. "Modelling and simulation of PDE problems in Modelica." International Journal of Materials and Structural Integrity 3.4 (2009): 318-331.
- Wiechert, Wolfgang, Stephan Noack, and Atya Elsheikh. "Modeling languages for biochemical network simulation: reaction vs equation based approaches." Biosystems Engineering II. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2009. 109-138.
- Ljubijankic, Manuel, et al. "Numerical coupling of Modelica and CFD for building energy supply systems." Proceedings of the 8th International Modelica Conference; March 20th-22nd; Technical Univeristy; Dresden; Germany. No. 063. Linköping University Electronic Press, 2011.
- Bergero, Federico, et al. "Mecánica Computacional, Volume XXXII. Number 14. Fluid Mechanics (B)." (2013).
- Hammadi, Moncef, et al. "Integrating Radial Basis Functions with Modelica for Mechatronic Design." Design and Modeling of Mechanical Systems. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2013. 19-25.
- Stavåker, Kristian, et al. "PDE modeling with Modelica via FMI import of HiFlow3 C++ components." Proceedings of SIMS 54th Conference on Simulation and Modelling. Bergen, Norway. 2013.
- Stavåke, Kristian, et al. "PDE Modeling with Modelica Via FMI Import of HiFlow3 C++ Components with Parallel Multi-Core Simulations." In Proceedings of the 55th Scandinavian Conference on Simulation and Modeling (SIMS’2014), Aalborg, Denmark, Oct 21-22.. 2014.
- Dshabarow, Farid, et al. "Support for Dymola in the modeling and simulation of physical systems with distributed parameters." Proceedings of the 6th International Modelica Conference. 2007.
- Šilar, Jan, Filip Ježek, and Jirí Kofránek. "PDEModelica and Breathing in an Avalanche." Proceedings of the 12th International Modelica Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, May 15-17, 2017. No. 132. Linköping University Electronic Press, 2017.
- Saldamli, Levon. PDEModelica-Towards a High-Level Language for Modeling with Partial Differential Equations. Diss. Institutionen för datavetenskap, 2002.
- Saldamli, Levon. PDEModelica–A High-Level Language for Modeling with Partial Differential Equations. Diss. Institutionen för datavetenskap, 2006.
- Discretizing PDEs for MapleSim - Maplesoft
- Support for Dymola in the Modeling and Simulation of Physical Systems with Distributed Parameters
- Modelica Code Generators - Modelisax
- Partial Differential Equations in Modelica - ModProd
- https://www.openmodelica.org/forum/default-topic/147-pde-in-modelica#p8014
- https://openmodelica.org/forum/default-topic/1995-solving-modelica-and-a-pde-in-an-external-fea-program-simultaneously
- https://openmodelica.org/forum/default-topic/35-describing-domain-pde#p8015
- https://openmodelica.org/forum/default-topic/1277-pde-time-step
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30889076/managing-of-navier-stokes-pdes-by-means-of-sbf-in-dymola
- https://www.openmodelica.org/forum/default-topic/1625-spatial-basis-functions-method-for-changing-pde
- http://www.jmodelica.org/5924
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37157904/1d-heat-diffusion-pde-implementation-in-modelicadymola
- http://www.jmodelica.org/198
- strange folder in OpenModelica repository named pde: https://openmodelica.org/svn/OpenModelica/tags/TAG_MATHCORE_ABB_1/
- what is "AxialConduction": https://build.openmodelica.org/Documentation/Modelica.Thermal.HeatTransfer.html
- what is this PDElib https://github.com/modelica-3rdparty/PDELib --> related to the publication by Dshabarow 2008