Releases: FluidPlay/TAP
Releases · FluidPlay/TAP
TAP v2.x/v3.x/v4.x
- Thermo damage multiplier vs Commander armor reduced by 50%
- Bow Shafter (formerly Panther) damage reduced to 168 (was 200)
- Kern Specter (formerly Gremlin/Stealth tank) damage reduced to 457 (was 544)
- All advanced units energy cost per metal reduced by about 30%
- Advanced units energy cost per metal reduced by about 30%
- Outposts morph time drastically reduced (5,7,10s respectively for Tiers 3,4,5,6)
- New voice+sound effects added for upgrades and Tech Level unlocking
- Bow Shafter (formerly Panther, lightning tank) weapon range increased to 480 (was 440), health increased by 40%
- Bow Tyrant (formerly Triton) max health increased by 10%
- Kern Specter (formerly Gremlin/Stealth Tank) weapon is now neutron-type (excellent vs tanks), armor now LightTank (was HeavyTank), health increased by 40%
- New Nano Booster per-unit upgrade available on all factories, increases buildspeed by 140%, metal cost 300
TAP - v2.6
- New engine (BAR branch, 106 candidate)
- Fixed Kern Richter (formerly Tremor) model and script
- Air plants model sizes (and building area) reduced by 40%
- Air pads model sizes (and building area) reduced by 50%
- Fixed bug with duplicated console lines
- New image shaders and effects enabled: CASS, map_edge_extension2, nano particles rotation. Factory Reset LuaUI to see them in effect.
TAPrime v2.6RC5
v2.6 - Release Candidate 5