Zaloha has been superseded by
- contains new features (the Remote Modes) and other improvements of design, program code and documentation.
- For new deployments, go straight to
- For migrations, check the table below if adaptations of your wrapper scripts are necessary.
Some design changes break backward compatibility with the original (now obsolete) For this reason, lives in a new repository. | |
New option --sourceUserHost to activate the Remote Source Mode via SSH/SCP | |
New option --backupUserHost to activate the Remote Backup Mode via SSH/SCP | |
New option --sshOptions to pass additional command-line options to SSH in the remote modes | |
New option --scpOptions to pass additional command-line options to SCP in the remote modes | |
New option --findParallel to run the local and remote FIND scans in parallel in the remote modes | |
Option --metaDir | In Remote Backup Mode: allows to place the Zaloha metadata directory on the remote backup host to a different location than the default. |
New option --metaDirTemp: In the remote modes, Zaloha2 needs a temporary Metadata directory too. This option allows to place it to a different location than the default. | |
Shellscript 610 | In Remote Backup Mode: executed on the remote side |
Shellscript 620 | Split to 621 (pre-copy), 622 (copy), 623 (post-copy). In Remote Backup Mode: 621 and 623 are executed on the remote side. In both remote modes, 622 contains SCP commands instead of CP commands. |
Shellscript 630 | Split to 631 (pre-copy), 632 (copy), 633 (post-copy). In Remote Source Mode: 631 and 633 are executed on the remote side. In both remote modes, 632 contains SCP commands instead of CP commands. |
Shellscript 640 | In Remote Backup Mode: executed on the remote side |
Shellscript 650 | Split to 651 (pre-copy), 652 (copy), 653 (post-copy). In Remote Backup Mode: 651 and 653 are executed on the remote side. In both remote modes, 652 contains SCP commands instead of CP commands. |
Restore script 810 | In the remote modes: contains SCP commands instead of CP commands |
Restore script 870 | Commands to preserve times of files have been moved from script 810 to script 870 |
New option --sha256 for comparing the contents of files via SHA-256 hashes | |
CSV data model of 16 columns | Extended to 17 columns to accommodate the SHA-256 hashes in new separate column 13 (original columns 13+14+15+16 shifted to 14+15+16+17) |
New check for falsely detected hardlinks: SHA-256 hash differs | |
Option --hLinks | Renamed to --detectHLinksS (more descriptive option name) |
Option --touch | Renamed to --extraTouch (more descriptive option name) |
Option --noExec1Hdr | Renamed to --no610Hdr |
Option --noExec2Hdr | Replaced by finer-grained options --no621Hdr, --no622Hdr and --no623Hdr |
Option --noExec3Hdr | Replaced by finer-grained options --no631Hdr, --no632Hdr and --no633Hdr |
Option --noExec4Hdr | Renamed to --no640Hdr |
Option --noExec5Hdr | Replaced by finer-grained options --no651Hdr, --no652Hdr and --no653Hdr |
Ability to process all symbolic links (even those with target paths that contain three or more consective slashes). The implied change is additional escaping of slashes by ///s in column 16 for symbolic links. | |
New Sanity Check for column 6 not alphanumeric | |
More stringent directories hierarchy check | |
More tolerant check of modification times of files (zero or even negative modification times are possible) | |
More tolerant check of target paths of symbolic links (empty target paths are possible on some OSes) | |
Minor code improvements and optimizations + improved documentation | |
Code size 76 kB | Code size 112 kB |
Docu size 78 kB | Docu size 97 kB |
MIT License