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FilipeMar edited this page Dec 1, 2017 · 6 revisions


LaTeX template for Doctoral / Phd Thesis at Instituto Superior Técnico (Universidade de Lisboa). This is not an official template. You're advised to verify at the office that it satisfies all the rules at the time you're submiting your thesis.

Last registed submission based on this template: July, 2017.

Thesis in English

When the thesis is written in english, the main file tese.tex must have:

  • version of the style file: \documentclass[defaultstyle,10pt,master,Helvetica]{01.thesis}

  • version of the cover in english: \input{0.Inicio/1.cover_EN_draft.tex}

  • apropriate selection of the language after %% Use Main document Language -> \selectlanguage{english}

You need to edit the cover and the personal info in the main file.

LaTeX Packages

00.Definitions/packages.tex contains the LaTeX packages used in the template. You can edit the file to add the packages you need.

The file 00.extra_functions.sty contains the definition of some custom commands. You can edit it to add your own custom commands.

The files 00.listofsymbols.sty e 00.symlist.sty define more extra commands.