This is a Tetris game developed with C++ and classic OpenGL
The code files are in the "src" directory.
The "serif.ttf" file contains the font used for rendering text in this program, and it must be in the same directory as the compiled executable.
This project was developed in Debian and Ubuntu, and has not been tested on other platforms.
git clone
cd Tetris
sudo sh
sudo sh
You must open this directory in the terminal and put the following commands:
To install all dependencies:
sudo sh
sudo sh
To compile the tetris game: (The compiler used here is the g++)
After do it, the compiler will generate a "tetris.elf" linux executable file. To run it, you need to put the following command in the terminal:
To compile and run this project at once, you need to put the following command in the terminal:
make run
this project depends on the following libraries and APIS: OpenGL, GLFW 3 and libDrawText 0.3.
OpenGL is used as a rendering engine. The tests were done with version 4.6 of OpenGL, but probably works with older versions.
The GLFW3 library was used to control the windows. It must be installed in the compiler libraries and can be found in the following repository:
The libDrawText 0.3 library was used to render the texts. It must be installed in the compiler libraries and can be found in the following repository: