A package/plugin for Starlight and Astro which allows you to add a graph to your website, visualizing connections between pages.
You can install this package from npm from your favourite package manager:
npm install starlight-site-graph
If you are using Starlight, you can just add the following to your astro.config.mjs
// astro.config.mjs
import starlight from '@astrojs/starlight'
import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config'
import starlightSiteGraph from 'starlight-site-graph'
export default defineConfig({
integrations: [
plugins: [starlightSiteGraph({ ... })],
title: 'My Docs',
If you are just using Astro, you will instead need to register it as follows:
// astro.config.mjs
import sitegraphSitemapIntegration from 'starlight-site-graph/integration';
import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config'
export default defineConfig({
prefetch: true,
integrations: [
// ...
sitegraphSitemapIntegration({ ... })
For more information, check out the Getting Started guide.
Any feedback would very much be appreciated. Please use the GitHub issue tracker to report bugs, request features,
or suggest improvements, or message me over on Discord (@fevol
This plugin makes use of existing projects such as:
- D3.js - For the graph visualization
- PixiJS - For the canvas rendering
- Pixi Stats - For the FPS counter
- micromatch - For glob pattern matching
And was originally inspired by Quartz's graph component.
This README makes use of shields.io for adding badges to display some cursory information about the project.
mProjectsCode - For making large improvements to the graph's rendering logic and fixing many bugs.
HiDeoo and Delucis - For helping me to figure out how to solve some of the more difficult problems I encountered, and giving many helpful suggestions on how to improve the project.
If you like this project, please consider giving it a star on GitHub, contributing some code, or sponsoring me via GitHub Sponsors.