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Licence: MIT (GitHub release (GitHub tag PHP MYSQL Postgres SQLite


PHPMini is a small php framework based on mvc architecture that have a similar structure and syntax like Laravel.

Table of content

  1. Routes
    • web routes
    • api routes
    • scopes routes
    • controllers routes
    • resources routes
    • api resources routes
  2. Controllers
    • create controller
    • dispatch request to controller
    • automatically escape models on controllers
    • render a view
    • render a view with params
    • render a view with layout
  4. Models
    • create a model
  5. ORM


You can clone the repository on github with the command

git clone

Create a .env file at root of project and copie the content of .env.example file and paste in it.


Set up these environments variables in the .env file to configure the database.
Supported database are MYSQL, Postgresql and Sqlite.



  • Web routes

You can define web routes in routes/web.php using different methods like get, post, put, patch, delete and options.
The methods take 2 parameters: uri and action. uri must be a string and action can be a string, an array or a callable.

Route::get("/welcome", "App\Http\Controllers\HomeController@welcome");

Route::get("/welcome", [HomeController::class, "welcome"]);

Route::get("/welcome", function(){
    echo "Hello World";
  • Api routes

api routes are defined like web routes but in routes/api.php

// the uri of this route will be "/api/welcome"
Route::get("/welcome", function() {
    echo "welcome"

You can define route with parameters
Parameter can be a regular expression, a primary key for a model or just a simple parameter.
The number of parameters correspond to the number of parameters passed in the callable or the controller method.

// uri here can be "/welcome/john" 
Route::get("/welcome/{name}", function($name){
    echo "Welcome " . $name;

// uri here can be "users/1"
Route::get("/users/{id}", function($id){
    echo "ID : " . $id

param "user" can only be the primary key of the User model
this primary key is casted in the callable or in the controller  
method to the User model corresponding to that 
primary key
Route::get("/users/{user}", function(User $user){

// param here can only be digit
Route::get("/user/{user}", function(User $user){
})->where('user', '(\d+)');

You can access request objet using dependency injection.

Route::get("/welcome", function(Request $request){

// controller method
public function welcome(Request $request){
  • Prefix routes

You can define routes that have the same sub-uri like this.

Route::prefix("/users")->group(function() use ($router) {

    // uri here is "/users/{user}"
    Route::get("{user}", [UserController::class, "show"]);

    // uri here is "/users/{user}/posts/{post}"
    Route::get("{user}/posts/{post}", [UserController::class, "show"]);
  • Controllers Routes

They are uses to define routes that based the same controller.

Route::controller(UserController::class)->group(function() use ($router){
    Route::get("/users", "index");
    Route::post("/users", "store");
    Route::get("/users/{user}", "show");
    Route::patch("/users/{user}", "update");
    Route::delete("/users/{user}", "delete");
  • Resources routes

Use to define routes with methods controller like index, store, create, edit, show, update and delete. It takes 2 params: an uri and a controller

// define routes with these all methods
Route::resource("/users", User::class)->all();

     // execution code behind
    Route::get("/users", "index");
    Route::post("/users", "store");
    Route::get("/users/create", "create");
    Route::get("/users/{user}", "show");
    Route::patch("/users/{user}", "update");
    Route::get("/users/{user}/edit", "edit");
    Route::delete("/users/{user}", "delete");

// define routes with only index and show methods
Route::resource("/users", User::class)->only(["index", "show"]);

    // execution code behind
    Route::get("/users", "index");    
    Route::get("/users/{user}", "show");

//define routes with all methods except index and show
Route::resource("/users", User::class)->except(["index", "show"]);

    // execution code behind
    Route::post("/users", "store");
    Route::get("/users/create", "create");
    Route::patch("/users/{user}", "update");
    Route::get("/users/{user}/edit", "edit");
    Route::delete("/users/{user}", "delete");
  • Api resources routes

define routes for an api. It is same like resources routes but don't implement routes with methods create and edit.

Route::apiResource("/users", UserConstroller::class);
  • Apis resources routes

To create multiple api resources routes

    "/posts" => PostController::class,
    "/users" => User::controller::class


  • Create controller

In the app/Http/Controller directory you can create all your controller.

# HomeController

namespace App\Http\Controllers;

class HomeController extends Controller
    # put yours controller methods here

You can access Request in Controller methods. you must pass it as the first parameter.

public function index(Request $request)

You can access to the escaped model in controller model.

// for the route uri "/users/{user}" you can acess the model corresponding to the "user" param

public function show(User $user)


  • Render a View

To do it you can use the helpers function view. This function takes 3 parameters: the view file location separated by comma (ex: "user.delete" correspond to "user/delete.php" file), an array context to specify some variable that will be accessing on the view and bool a layout specify if the view is base on a layout.
View files are located in the resources/views directory

// in route
Route::get("/welcome", function(){
    return view("welcome");

// in controller
public function show()
    return view("users.create");
  • Render a view with params
// in route
Route::get("/welcome", function(){
    $username = "John";
    return view("welcome", compact("username"));

// in controller
public function show()
    $username = "Doe";
    return view("users.create", compact("username"));

you can access these on the view.

# welcome.php

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">

    Username: <?= $username ?><br>

  • Render view with layout

You must create a file for layout in resources/views. you can call it layout.php

# layout.php

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">

    <?= $content ?>


// controller method
public function show()
    return view("welcome", [], "layout");

// welcome.php
$content = """HTML

    <b> My welcome view base on a layout <b>



models are located in the app/Http/models directory. you can create your model like this and specify the table name referenced in the database. you can also specify primary key by default it "id".


namespace App\Models;

use PHPMini\Models\Model;

class User extends Model
    protected static $table = 'users';
    protected static $primary_key = "pk";


PHPMini provided a powerful ORM.

  • get all the database entities of specific model
  • find a model buy primary keys
// find user by id 1;
  • where condition
// get all users where status is active
User::where("status", "active")->get();

// get all users that id is greater than 8
User::where("id", ">", 8)->get();

// get the first that email is and username is john
    "email" => "",
    "username" => "john";

// get the 10 first users that id is greated than 2;
User::where("id", ">", 2)->limit(10)->get();

// get user where email is or if not found return nothing
User::where("email", "")->firstOr(function(){
    return "nothing";

// get all users that id equal or greater than 8 or id equal 1
User::where('id', '>=', 8)
            ->orWhere('id', 1)

// you can chaining where conditions
User::where('id', '>=', 8)
            ->andWhere('username', "john")
            ->andWhere('email', "")
  • create method
    "email" => "";
    "username" => "john";
  • update method.
// do it on a specific model
    "email" => ""
  • delete method
  • findOr

find a model or do any thing.

// find user with id 1 or return "nothing"
User::findOr(1, function(){
    return "nothing";
  • updateOrCreate

update a model or create if not found corresponding

// if the isn't user with username john and email create a user with these values and phone 12345784
User::updateOrCreate(['username' => 'john', 'email' => ''], ['phone' => '12345784']);
  • delete multiple models by primary keys
// delete users with id 1, 2, and 10
User::destroy([1, 2, 10]);
  • delete all the models


  • Fork this repository

Fork this repository by clicking on the fork button on the top of this page.
This will create a copy of this repository in your account.

  • Clone the repository

Now clone the forked repository to your machine. Go to your GitHub account, open the forked repository, click on the code button and then click the copy to clipboard icon.

Open a terminal and run the following git command:

git clone
  • Follow the step for the configuration at the top

  • Create a branch

Change to the repository directory on your computer (if you are not already there):

cd PHPMini

Now create a branch using the git checkout command:

git checkout -b your-new-branch-name


git checkout -b john
  • Make necessary changes and commit those changes

commit those changes using the git commit command:

git commit -m "add your message"
  • Push change to GitHub
git push origin <add-your-branch-name>

replacing <add-your-branch-name> with the name of the branch you created earlier.

  • Submit your changes for review

If you go to your repository on GitHub, you'll see a Compare & pull request button. Click on that button.
Now submit the pull

Soon I'll be merging all your changes into the master branch of this project.