An Uno game made in Python. In the actual state the game is only in Portuguese, although the commentaries are in English. If you know Uno's rules and you don't speak Portuguese, you will probably find no trouble playing the game (just some words you might have to translate).
Check out this article made by Ultra Board Games where they explain how to play Uno. Just be aware that there's no Blank Card and "scoring system" in this version.
To play the game you just need to put the three Python files inside a folder and execute "". A new file called "config.ini" will be generated inside the folder. With this file you will be able to change the game's configuration.
Q: Is this a serious project?
- A: Not at all. I started this project just for fun and it took longer than I thought.
Q: Are you an experienced Python developer?
- A: No. I just know the basics and nothing more than that.
Q: How longer have you been working on this project?
- A: Almost two months until now, but I usually worked to 1-3 hours per day. To be honest, Red Dead Redemption 2 took a longer portion of my time.
Q: Why did you start working on this?
- A: I don't know. Seriously, I don't even remember why I started to work on this, but to be honest it was fun and I also learned a lot of things.
Q: Will there ever be an English version of this game?
- A: Maybe. The only problem is that it would need to be almost entirely rewriten
Q: The code is ugly. Will you fix it?
- A: Well, I know. I was starting to program when I wrote these scripts. Nowadays I recognize the weirdness of this. But the answer is: no. I'm currently learning Java, so I'm too busy to fix this messy code. Also, I was playing around with Unity trying to make a "Uno" game, so maybe there will be a Unity version of this :)