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Fasjeit edited this page Aug 17, 2018 · 2 revisions


Asymmetric suite

public class DiscoNet.Noise.Asymmetric

Static Fields

Type Name Summary
Int32 DhLen A constant specifying the size in bytes of public keys and DH outputs.

Static Methods

Type Name Summary
Byte[] Dh(KeyPair keyPair, Byte[] publicKey) Perform DH on public key
KeyPair GenerateKeyPair(Byte[] privateKey = null) Create a X25519 static keyPair out of a private key.


Noise handshake state

public class DiscoNet.Noise.HandshakeState
    : IDisposable


Type Name Summary
KeyPair E The local ephemeral key pair
Boolean Initiator Indicating the initiator or responder role.
MessagePattern[] MessagePatterns A sequence of message pattern. Each message pattern is a sequence of tokens from the set ("e", "s", "ee", "es", "se", "ss")
Byte[] Psk Pre-shared key
KeyPair Re The remote party's ephemeral public key
KeyPair Rs The remote party's static public key
KeyPair S The local static key pair
Boolean ShouldWrite indicating if the role of the peer is to WriteMessage or ReadMessage
SymmetricState SymmetricState SymmetricState object


Type Name Summary
void Dispose() Dispose and freeresourses
ValueTuple<Strobe, Strobe> ReadMessage(Byte[] message, Byte[]& payloadBuffer) Read handshake message and output payload


Strobe hash object

public class DiscoNet.Noise.Hash
    : ICloneable


Type Name Summary
Object Clone() Get copy of the DiscoHash in its current state.
Byte[] Sum() Reads more output from the hash; reading affects the hash's state
Int32 Write(Byte[] inputData) Write absorbs more data into the hash's state. This function is usually called to hash contigous chunks of data. For structured data please refer to WriteTuple
Int32 WriteTuple(Byte[] inputData) Absorbs more data to hash in a non-ambigious way. This means that data absorbed via this function is separated from the data surrounding it. Use this function instead of Write to hash structured data.


Symmectic suite

public static class DiscoNet.Noise.Symmetric

Static Fields

Type Name Summary
Int32 HashSize Hash size, bytes
Int32 KeySize Symmetric key size, bytes
Int32 MinimumCiphertextSize Minimum size of ciphertexts, bytes
Int32 NonceSize Nonce size, bytes
Int32 PskKeySize Pre shared key size, bytes
Int32 SecurityParameter Symmetric security parameter, bits
Int32 TagSize Tag size, bytes

Static Methods

Type Name Summary
Byte[] Decrypt(Byte[] key, Byte[] ciphertext) Decrypt a message and check integrity
Byte[] DeriveKeys(Byte[] keyMaterial, Int32 keyLen) Derive key data
Byte[] Encrypt(Byte[] key, Byte[] plaintext) Encrypt a plaintext message with a key of any size greater than 128 bits (16 bytes).
Byte[] Hash(Byte[] input, Int32 outputLength) Hash allows you to hash an input of any length and obtain an output of length greater or equal to 256 bits (32 bytes).
Byte[] ProtectIntegrity(Byte[] key, Byte[] plaintext) Protect integrity of unecrypted text
Byte[] VerifyIntegrity(Byte[] key, Byte[] plaintextAndTag) Retrieve and Verify plaintext from unencrypted message


Noise symmetric state

public class DiscoNet.Noise.SymmetricState


Type Name Summary
Boolean IsKeyed Is state keyed
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