Performance at its best! Uses JSON to store data.
npm i odb.json@latest
const Database = require('odb.json')
// Folder
const db = new Database.Database('./Local-Database-Folder', {
backup: {
enabled: true,
name: 'backup.json',
path: './Backup-Local-Database-Folder',
interval: 900000,
memory: {
enabled: true,
saveinterval: 30000,
cli: true, // When true type help in console for help
deep: true, // The dot notation that the world needs is here
file: 'Data.json' // The File to store Database
db.set("Data", "World");
// Get data
db.get("Data"); // World
// Delete data
db.get("Data"); // undefined
db.has("Data"); // false
db.set("Just_a_number", 10); // 10
db.add("Just_a_number", 2); // 12
db.subtract("Just_a_number", 6); // 6
db.set("array", [ "apple" ]);
// db.push() creates an array if it doesn't exist
db.push("array", "orange"); // [ "apple", "orange" ]
// Remove element from array
db.remove("array", "apple"); // [ "orange" ]
db.type("array"); // Array
db.keys(); // ["Just_a_number", "array"]
db.values(); // 6, ["orange"]
db.clear(); // {}; // Saves the database
db.size(); // Returns Database size
db.reload(); // Reloads the Database from disk; // Returns the whole Database
const Database = require('odb.json');
// Folder
const db-server = new Database.Server('./Database-folder-name', {
servertype: 'master' // Choose Master
port: 5555 // Port
const Database = require('odb.json');
// IP Address
const db = new Database.Client('localhost', {
dbname: 'filename', // Database Name
username: "username", // Username
password: 'password', // Password
port: 5555 // Port
db.set("Data", "World");
// Get data
await db.get("Data"); // World
// Delete data
await db.get("Data"); // undefined
await db.has("Data"); // false
db.set("Just_a_number", 10); // 10
db.add("Just_a_number", 2); // 12
db.subtract("Just_a_number", 6); // 6
db.set("array", [ "apple" ]);
// db.push() creates an array if it doesn't exist
db.push("array", "orange"); // [ "apple", "orange" ]
// Remove element from array
db.remove("array", "apple"); // [ "orange" ]
await db.type("array"); // Array
await db.keys(); // ["Just_a_number", "array"]
await db.values(); // 6, ["orange"]
db.clear(); // {}
+ Please check Database class. Changed where to give file and folder locations for it
+ Added in-Memory Database to Database class
+ Added CLI (Command Line Interface) to Database class
+ Added New functions to Database class
+ save()
+ reload()
+ data()
+ size()
+ Added Typings
+ Bug Fixes (Fixed my mistake while setting data as 0, false, null throws error), (Fixed the ability to type in console even while the cli is disabled), (Fixed saving to same file when using 2 instances of local database)
- Removed my ugly console.logs from push
- Fixed issue when using get or has throws an error when the value is not found
+ Ability to use a different separator for deep (currently ".")
+ Ability to make use of deep in the keys and values commands