DDE_Dock_Weather Deepin Linux DDE-Dock weather forcast plugin. Releases install:./install.sh uninstall:./uninstall.sh Build Dependences Debian: sudo apt install dde-dock-dev qt5-default Icon Name Rule Weather Day Night Image Clear 01d.png 01n.png Clouds 02d.png 02n.png Clouds 04d.png 04n.png Clouds 04d.png 04n.png Rain 09d.png 09n.png Rain 10d.png 10n.png Thunder 11d.png 11n.png Snow 13d.png 13n.png Fog 50d.png 50n.png NA na.png na.png Because the night time is not very accurate, we use the same icon for day and night. 5.3 (2019-01-07) Support icon theme 5.0 (2018-12-19) Change API to https://openweathermap.org to support world wide weather forcast.