A simple moderation Discord bot written in Python with disnake.py for self hosting
Follow these steps to install the bot on Ubuntu Server:
sudo apt install python3 pip git screen nano -y
git clone https://github.com/FQQD/simple-moderation-bot.git
cd simple-moderation-bot
mkdir warnings
sudo chmod +x start.sh
pip3 install disnake
pip3 install aiofiles
Set up an application in the discord developer portal, if you don't know how, read
To invite the bot to your servers read this:
Please note that you should turn on all intents for simplicity.
Now you need your Bot's token. You can find it in the "Bot" section of your Discord developer apllication. Copy the Token and put it into the main.py file:
nano main.py
Paste your Token into the selcted area and exit nano with CTRL+X
To run this bot, we're gonna be using "screen", so the bot still runs, even if we exit our ssh connection.
screen -S moderationbot ./start.sh
You now should see after short waiting, that your bot is online and ready to be used. To detach the screen session, do CTRL+A and CTRL+D. Its now safe to exit your ssh session.
To view all running screen session / bots, run:
screen -ls
To reattach the screen session / the bot, run:
screen -x moderationbot
Here are all the commands that the Bot is able to perform:
See the credits of the bots
Show and download the profile picture of a user
Show this a list of commands that everyone can user
/moderation ban
Ban members (Use Discord intern feature for message removal) (Needs Ban Permission)
/moderation kick
Kick members (Needs Kick Permission)
/moderation warn
Warn members
/moderation warnings
See all warnings of a member
/moderation removewarnings
Remove warnings of a member
/user info
See information about a member
/moderation help
Show a list of commands that require the "Moderate Members" Permission
This is my first attempt to program a real bot, so please dont hate on the code too much.
I know - it's messy an probably should be done completly differently, but it's enough for me, since it just works.
I hope you still like it!
If you use it, please dont remove / edit out my credits out of the /credits command.