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Edit the values of a collection of user specified DICOM tags


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This app performs a recursive walk down an input tree, and for each DICOM file (as filtered with a -e .dcm), will perform an edit or substitution on a pattern of user specified DICOM tags. Resultant edited files are saved in the corresponding location in the output tree. This page is not the canonical reference for pfdicom_tagSub on which this plugin is based. Please see for detail about the actual tag substitution process and the pattern of command line flags.

Note that the only different between this plugin and the reference pfdicom_tagSub is that the reference has explicit flags for inputDir and outputDir while this plugin uses positional arguments for the same.

pl-pfdicom_tagsub is a ChRIS-based application that wraps around pfdicom_tagSub and is used to edit the contents of user-specified DICOM tags..

    [--json] [--man] [--meta]
    [--savejson <DIR>]
    [-v|--verbosity <level>]
    [-e|--extension <DICOMextension>]
    [-O|--outputDir <outputDir>]
    [-F|--tagFile <JSONtagFile>]
    [-T|--tagStruct <JSONtagStructure>]
    [-n|--tagInfo <delimited_parameters>]
    [-s|--splitToken <split_token>]
    [-k|--splitKeyValue <keySplit>]
    [-o|--outputFileStem <outputFileStem>]
    [--outputLeafDir <outputLeafDirFormat>]
    [--threads <numThreads>]
    <inputDir> <outputDir>
[-h] [--help]
If specified, show help message and exit.

If specified, show json representation of app and exit.

If specified, print (this) man page and exit.

If specified, print plugin meta data and exit.

[--savejson <DIR>]
If specified, save json representation file to DIR and exit.

[-v <level>] [--verbosity <level>]
Verbosity level for app. Not used currently.

If specified, print version number and exit.

[-e|--extension <DICOMextension>]
An optional extension to filter the DICOM files of interest from the

[-O|--outputDir <outputDir>]
The output root directory that will contain a tree structure identical
to the input directory, and each "leaf" node will contain the analysis

[-F|--tagFile <JSONtagFile>]
Parse the tags and their "subs" from a JSON formatted <JSONtagFile>.

[-T|--tagStruct <JSONtagStructure>]
Parse the tags and their "subs" from a JSON formatted <JSONtagStucture>
string passed directly in the command line. Note that sometimes protecting
a JSON string can be tricky, especially when used in scripts or as variable
expansions. If the JSON string is problematic, use the [--tagInfo <string>]

[-n|--tagInfo <delimited_parameters>]
A token delimited string that is reconstructed into a JSON structure by the
script. This is often useful if the [--tagStruict] JSON string is hard to
parse in scripts and variable passing within scripts. The format of this
string is:


for example:

        --splitToken ","
        --splitKeyValue ':'
        --tagInfo "PatientName:anon,PatientID:%_md5|7_PatientID"

or more complexly (esp if the ':' is part of the key):

        --splitToken "++"
        --splitKeyValue "="
        --tagInfo "PatientBirthDate = %_strmsk|******01_PatientBirthDate ++
                   re:.*hysician"   = %_md5|4_#tag"

[-s|--splitToken <split_token>]
The token on which to split the <delimited_parameters> string.
Default is '++'.

[-k|--splitKeyValue <keyValueSplit>]
The token on which to split the <key> <value> pair. Default is ':'
but this can be problematic if the <key> itself has a ':' (for example
in the regular expression expansion).

[-o|--outputFileStem <outputFileStem>]
The output file stem to store data. This should *not* have a file
extension, or rather, any "." in the name are considered part of
the stem and are *not* considered extensions.

[--outputLeafDir <outputLeafDirFormat>]
If specified, will apply the <outputLeafDirFormat> to the output
directories containing data. This is useful to blanket describe
final output directories with some descriptive text, such as
'anon' or 'preview'.

This is a formatting spec, so

    --outputLeafDir 'preview-%s'

where %s is the original leaf directory node, will prefix each
final directory containing output with the text 'preview-' which
can be useful in describing some features of the output set.

[--threads <numThreads>]
If specified, break the innermost analysis loop into <numThreads>

Getting inline help is:

docker run --rm fnndsc/pl-pfdicom_tagSub dcm_tagSub --man

You need to specify input and output directories using the -v flag to docker run.

docker run --rm -u $(id -u)                             \
    -v $(pwd)/in:/incoming -v $(pwd)/out:/outgoing      \
    fnndsc/pl-pfdicom_tagSub dcm_tagSub             \
    /incoming /outgoing

Build the Docker container:

docker build -t local/pl-pfdicom_tagSub .

Run unit tests:

docker run --rm local/pl-pfdicom_tagSub nosetests
   docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd)/in:/incoming -v $(pwd)/out:/outgoing  \
       fnndsc/pl-pfdicom_tagsub dcm_tagSub                             \
       --tagStruct '
           "PatientName":              "%_name|patientID_PatientName",
           "PatientID":                "%_md5|7_PatientID",
           "AccessionNumber":          "%_md5|8_AccessionNumber",
           "PatientBirthDate":         "%_strmsk|******01_PatientBirthDate",
           "re:.*hysician":            "%_md5|4_#tag",
           "re:.*stitution":           "#tag",
           "re:.*ddress":              "#tag"
       ' --threads 0 -v 2 -e .dcm                                  \
       /incoming /outgoing

-- OR equivalently --

   docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd)/in:/incoming -v $(pwd)/out:/outgoing  \
       fnndsc/pl-pfdicom_tagsub dcm_tagSub                             \
           -e dcm                                                      \
           --splitToken ","                                            \
           --splitKeyValue "="                                         \
           --tagInfo '
               PatientName         =  %_name|patientID_PatientName,
               PatientID           =  %_md5|7_PatientID,
               AccessionNumber     =  %_md5|8_AccessionNumber,
               PatientBirthDate    =  %_strmsk|******01_PatientBirthDate,
               re:.*hysician       =  %_md5|4_#tag,
               re:.*stitution      =  #tag,
               re:.*ddress         =  #tag
           ' --threads 0 --printElapsedTime                            \
           /incoming /outgoing


Edit the values of a collection of user specified DICOM tags









Contributors 4
