This library contains a collection of Solidity contracts that I deployed on the Ethereum Network.
Some are tested out some are not. xD
But I guess they can be used as a headstart in the implementation of a basic contract Feel free to use them :D
I will add, adjust and optimize the contracts as I see fit.
Some are copied together in a pretty disorganized fashion and some contain imported libraries that are not used anymore. So not fully optimized.
When I have the time I´ll tidy them up, for good.
I created this contract as my first experiment. It was supposed to mint the whole collection into the wallet of the owner´s address, so I have a huge collection of NFT´s that I can give away for free. (Because it´s a nice gift for someone else)
The problem with it is the high Deployment Cost, because the minting process for a lot of NFT´s at once is not optimized yet Implementing the ERC721a would probably solve that problem, but I´m to lazy to do it right now ^^
Does, as the name implies, add a Revealable functionality to an optimized ERC721a Contract. Based on the basic Haslips contract, which explains in great detail how to create a NFT Collection. ->
For the the Functionality to work there is some basic prepwork needed:
-The constructor function needs a URI for a Metadata File, that is used to hide the original NFT Metadata and their images
--That could be ipfs://<Address Of The Hidden Metadata Folder>/<Name Of The Metadata File>.json
--In the Stuff folder here in the library you can find a example for a Hidden-Metadata File
-if you want to reveal call upon the reveal function in the deployed contract itself
I should really start to make shorter Names xD Anyway this is a Revealable Whitelist Optimized Contract. (duh) It´s based on the Revealable_optimized contract from before, but takes up the Whitelist Functionality that has been shown in the great Project of Raz (see here: and here
The whitelist is based on the Merkletree Theory (Here´s an article about it:
For the the Functionality to work there is some basic prepwork needed: -The constructor function needs the root of the merkle Tree to differentiate between whitelisted and not whitelisted users -additionally the minting function of the contract is expanded to take a hexProof(merkleProof) as a parameter -lastly I added a functionality, that when needed the whitelist-require can be turned off, when the presale has ended --therefor the gas price should at least reduce for a bit after the presale is done --it still uses the hexproof as a parameter though
As promised I started with a testing suite in hardhat for the different contracts Here´s a list of possible functions to use:
npx hardhat accounts
npx hardhat compile
npx hardhat clean
npx hardhat test
npx hardhat node
npx hardhat help
The test function is the base for the whole suite. Use it to start the unit tests I created for the different contracts.