TunaTunes is a dynamic web application that leverages the power of Spotify's API to bring users a personalized and interactive music experience. Users can view their top tracks and artists, control the volume, and play track previews with smooth transitions and responsive design.
Top Tracks & Artists: View your top tracks and artists, dynamically fetched from Spotify.
Interactive Volume Control: Enhance your listening experience with an integrated volume controller.
Real-time Track Preview: Play and pause track previews with smooth transitions.
Dynamic Album Art Colors: Extract and display album art colors to enhance the visual appeal.
Hover Details: Get detailed information about tracks and artists by hovering over album covers.
Follow these instructions to get a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
Node.js (v12.x or higher)
npm or yarn
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/Exploser/tunatunes.git
cd tunatunes
- Install dependencies:
Using npm:
npm install
Or using yarn:
yarn install
Create a .env
file in the root directory and add the following environment variables:
NEXT_PUBLIC_SPOTIFY_SCOPE=user-top-read user-read-recently-played
Replace `your_spotify_client_id` and `your_spotify_client_secret` with your actual Spotify API credentials. Make sure the redirect URI matches the one configured in your Spotify Developer Dashboard.
- Start the development server:
Using npm:
npm run dev
Or using yarn:
yarn dev
- Open your browser and navigate to:
You should now see the TunaTunes application running locally.
To create an optimized production build, run:
Using npm:
npm run build
Or using yarn:
yarn build
This will generate a production-ready build of the application in the `.next` directory.
After building the application, you can start the production server with:
Using npm:
npm start
Or using yarn:
yarn start
You can also check out the live version of TunaTunes here.