This is a community effort to keep the OpenSource GPLv3 LibreBooking alive, see History
- PHP 7.0 or greater
- MySQL 5.5 or greater
- Web server (Apache, IIS)
Please consult the wiki for more help
We now have a chatroom on, join us at:
This version is no longer developed by Twinkle Toes Software (
Based on the original open source version of Booked, now available at:
Fork this repo, contribute and help keep it alive
Small update to fix a security issue
This version is no longer developed by Twinkle Toes Software (
Based on the original open source version of Booked, now available at:
Fork this repo, contribute and help keep it alive
Way too many changes, bugfixes and improvements to list them all here, so please take a look at:
This version is no longer developed by Twinkle Toes Software (
Based on the original open source version of Booked, now available at:
Fork this repo, contribute and help keep it alive
- Added translation: Greek
- Updated jsPDF
- Bugfixes
This version is no longer developed by Twinkle Toes Software (
Based on the original open source version of Booked, now available at:
Fork this repo, contribute and help keep it alive - Bugfixes
This version is no longer developed by Twinkle Toes Software (
Based on the original open source version of Booked, now available at:
Fork this repo, contribute and help keep it alive - Added intial support for generating pdf's on the reservation page
- Added two plugins (Moodle Advanced Authentication and Admin Check-in/out Only)
- Updated portuguese translation
- Bugfixes
- Added import and export of groups
- Updated Danish translation
- Allow lower level administrators edit in-progress reservations
- Added optional email to be sent to users when changing resource status
- Added setting to show week numbers on calendars
- Added settings to require phone, position, and organization during registration
- Bugfixes
- Allow reservations on the schedule to be filtered by owner or participant
- Include participant list in reports output
- Add resource concurrency to resource import and export
- Bugfixes
- Do not require logging in to set up resource tablet display
- Bugfixes
- Added the ability to set a limit on the number of concurrent reservations per resource
- Removed the ability to set a schedule as allowing unlimited concurrent reservations per resource
- Bugfixes
- Added ability to limit the total number of concurrent reservations for a schedule
- Added ability to limit the number of resources per reservation for a schedule
- Added ability to repeat a reservation on non-sequential dates
- Updated PayPal API to version 2
- Added option to sync group membership when logging in via SAML
- Updated Portuguese, German, and Spanish translations
- Updated PhpCAS to 1.3.8
- MySQL 8+ compatibility
- Bugfixes
- Added a configuration option to show whether a reservation is new or updated for a period of time
- Added Hungarian translation
- Bugfixes
- Added email notifications when participants of a reservation accept or decline invites
- Added reservation waitlist signup on view reservation page
- Added ability to restrict guests from using tablet view
- Notify users if the creation of a blackout time deletes their reservation
- Updated Portuguese and Finnish translations
- Bugfixes
- Added utilization reports
- Added ability to find a specific time
- Added recurring reservation series ending emails
- Added credits to reservation emails
- Added link to add to Google Calendar to reservation emails
- Bugfixes
- Added availability view to reservation page
- Added participant list to reservation emails
- Redesign of resource tablet display
- Added ability to search for reservations that missed checkin/checkout
- Bugfixes
- Added ability to set user status on CSV import
- Added ability to share reservation details via email
- Added ability set the resources, groups, and schedules a group can administer from Groups tool
- Bugfixes
- Added monitor display view
- Resolved accessibility issues
- Added Serbian
- Bugfixes
- Added ability to purchase credits
- Added credit usage to the reservation page
- Added ability to set comma or semicolon delimited configuration setting to allow multiple admin emails
- Added ability to send a reservation to Google Calendar
- Added ability to select a resource image while adding
- Added ability to begin a reservation directly from Slack
- Added ability to set default group membership
- Added ability to require terms of service acknowledgment
- Added ability to set login page announcements
- Added ability to set schedule availability dates
- Added ability to configure different minimum notice rules for reservation add, edit and delete
- Added ability to allow multiple reservations on the same resource at the same time for a schedule
- Added ability to set multiple resource images
- Added ability to set view-only resource permissions
- Added ability to sync group membership from LDAP and CAS
- Added ability to set fully custom layout slots
- Added blackouts to schedule and resource calendar view
- Added view calendar page
- Added ability to embed a Booked calendar view on an external website
- Added ability to require reservation title and description
- Added user groups to report output
- Added ability to set custom favicon
- Added ability to customize email messages
- Added ability to bulk delete resources
- Resource QR code will open ongoing reservation if it requires check in
- Added ability to find an open recurring time
- Upgraded jQuery to latest
- Bugfixes
- Added ability to see real time availability when selecting additional resources
- Added the ability to set a delete/reject reason
- Added the ability to update users and resources on import from CSV
- Allow setting phone, organization and position when creating a user from the admin section
- Better highlight pending reservations on Dashboard and popups
- Optimize JavaScript file loading for better page rendering times
- Bugfixes
- Added real-time indication of additional resource availability in reservation screen
- Added ability to search for reservations
- Added ability to send user an email when an account is created for them
- Added option to show captcha on login
- Updated reCaptcha to use nocaptcha
- If recurring start and end dates are not the same, then include both in the emails
- Added Basque language
- Added Thai language
- Bugfixes
- Added ability to set default start and end reminders
- Added ability to import resources from CSV
- Added ability to export resources to CSV
- Added ability to export users to CSV
- Added ability to include custom attributes in user CSV import
- Added ability to import reservations from CSV
- Added ability to bulk delete users
- Added ability to bulk delete reservations
- Added ability to bulk delete blackouts
- Added ability to drag and drop reservations from calendar views
- Added ability to select multiple options for most report filters
- Added password update API
- Added ability to set number of past and future days to include for Atom and iCalendar subscriptions
- Added ability to apply configured default homepage to existing users
- Saved reports and exported reports will use same columns
- Added credits to manage reservations and reports
- Show if a reservation is pending approval on popups and edit page
- Added config option to notify users if they missed their reservation check in time
- Numerous security fixes
- Bugfixes
- Ensure only one reminder email is sent per reservation when multiple resources are booked
- Added Vietnamese
- Added ability to automatically fill in blocked time slots based on gaps in available slots
- Added ability to update a reservation before approving it
- Added resource type filter to reports
- Bugfixes
- Use resource color on availability dashboard
- Display reservations for multiple resources as one item on dashboard
- Better handling of dates on the reservation page when an entire day is unavailable
- Allow view schedule to be changed to alternate schedule views
- Upgrade PHPMailer
- Bugfixes
- Include resource name in all email subjects
- Added 'Today' link to schedule navigation
- Added real time accessory quantity availability
- Added ability to include email and phone in reservation popup
- Added support for MySQL 5.7+
- Added use sso flag for Active Directory authentication
- Added user available credits to the reservation page
- Added ability to copy a resource
- Added Russian
- Bugfixes and security updates
- Added ability to invite users to join Booked
- Added ability to repeat multi-day reservations
- Added additional columns to reports
- Bugfixes
- Updated French language pack
- Bugfixes
- Mobile first, fully responsive user interface
- Allow guests to book and be invited to reservations
- Allow users to join wait list if requested time not available
- Control resource usage with credits
- Ability to request that users check in and out of reservations, optionally auto-releasing the reservation
- Allow users to sign in using Facebook or Google
- Require users to register with an email address from a known domain
- Set specific days and hours which quotas are enforced
- Allow quotas to exclude completed reservations
- Added ability to search for an available time rather than browsing schedule
- Require minimum and maximum number of accessories when specific resources are booked
- Ability to restrict announcements to certain groups or users with access to certain resources
- Added ability to book around conflicting reservations
- Added ability to set reservation color by user, resource, or custom attribute value
- Added tablet view that can be used to display resource schedule and allow sign ups
- Added private custom attributes
- Added admin-only custom attributes
- Added resource-aware custom reservation attributes
- Invites are attached to reservation emails as .ics file
- On mobile, allow a picture to be taken for resource image
- The first user to register will automatically be setup as the primary admin
- Numerous minor enhancements and bug fixes
- Added ability to duplicate a reservation
- Added ability to move reservations by dragging to new slot
- Added ability to blackout around existing reservations
- Added delete confirmation to reservation window
- Fix API bugs
- Fix bug not showing custom user attributes on manage user page
- Fix for account deleted email
- Added multi-date selection to bookings page
- Added ability to send announcements as emails
- Added ability to send email to all users when reservation is cancelled
- Added ability to filter on multiple resources on bookings page
- Added ability to allow cross origin requests for API
- Added ability to import ICS files
- Fixed click and drag on condensed week view
- Fixed problem showing hidden resources on dashboard
- Fixed some packaging issues from 2.5.18
- Added ability to filter multiple resources on the schedule
- Updated Japanese language files
- Fixed bugs with CSRF checks
- Changed the manage reservation search filter to be inclusive of reservations spanning filtered time
- Fixed issue that didn't maintain selected date in schedule calendar popup
- Fixed double html encode issue for custom attributes
- Fixed issue filtering on custom attributes on manage reservations page
- Added fix to allow larger datasets returned when using group_concat
- Fixed the 'deleted by' name in the account deletion email
- Fixed bug preventing schedule view switching on Chrome and IE
- Fixed bug with reports showing no results when searching on accessories
- Fixed issue displaying schedule dates even when no slots are defined
- If register or forgot password urls open in external site, open in new window
- Include total hours in reports
- Changed reservation email message to come from whoever made the reservation
- Added ability to override language strings
- Fixed missing homepageid upon registration
- Fixed missing email address in reservation reminders
- Properly custom attribute regex format if user supplied version is incorrect
- Added ability to remove all assigned permissions for resource
- Added ability to include all reservation attributes in display labels
- Save calendar expand/collapse on schedule page
- Fixed bug determining when to send notification emails
- Fixed bug with PR language
- Changed resource availability web service to use same logic as dashboard
- Fixed issue displaying reservations when date had no slots
- Fixed bug that prevented cookies from being written properly in IE
- Fixed warning when path property is not found in the url
- Removed CSRF check on registration page
- Ensure session is started when rendering captcha
- Fixed syntax issue on PHP 5.3 and lower
- Added datetime custom attribute type
- Added ability to import a list of users
- Added ability to manage custom attributes through the API
- Added ability to customize report columns
- Added a yearly quota
- Added API for getting resource types and ability to set resource type in add/update
- Added ability to restrict showing user details to simply on/off or past/future reservations
- Added user deleted email notification
- When a reservation is created on behalf of another user, the user taking action is included in the email notifications
- When a user is created on behalf of another user, the user taking action is included in the email notification
- Improved rendering of schedule when being printed
- Resource details are now shown even if user does not have permission
- Added ability to include Google Analytics
- Fixed bug which prevented joining or canceling a recurring reservation instance if it violated a notice rule
- Fixed resource availability dashboard timeout issues
- Fixed bug with creating and updating reservations through the API
- Fixed bug which over-counted accessories when reservation contained multiple resources
- Fixed bug loading resource type attributes when managing custom attributes
- Fixed bug requiring user to uncheck removed resources from all groups
- Fixed bug for resource groups when they are returned from the db sorted incorrectly
- Fixed bug with upcoming reservations dashboard
- Changed cookies to be scoped to Booked root path
- Implemented CSRF checks (thank you Netsparker)
- Updated French language pack
- Updated Croatian language pack
- Added ability for users to join reservations without being invited
- Upgraded CAS library to 1.3.3
- Added Active Directory option to sync group membership into Booked
- Added user details popup
- Added ability to manage user and group permissions from resource management page
- Fixed bug preventing recurring reservations from being deleted in management page
- Fixed bug incorrectly grouping recurring reservations on calendar views
- Updated Italian language
- Updated Spanish language
- Added notice to schedule when no resources have been added
- Added emails to participants and invitees when a reservation is updated
- Added resource image to reservation email
- Added ability to set default homepage for new users
- Added dashboard item for current resource availability
- Fixed bug displaying wrong reservation dates on reservation save confirmation message
- Fixed bug on view schedule page when using daily layouts
- Fixed bug preventing individual reservations from being added to external calendars
- Fixed bug which did not check Sunday checkbox on recurring reservations
- Fixed bug on dst change preventing all reservations on that day
- Fixed bug causing permission updates performed by schedule admins to wipe out certain permissions
- Updated Italian language pack
- Updated Spanish language pack
- Fixed bug preventing reservations from being added to Outlook
- Fixed bug preventing accessories from showing in reservation popup
- Fixed bug preventing resource filter from working on view schedule
- Added Drupal authentication plugin (Drupal 7.x with MySQL only)
- Added ability to display participant and invitee lists in the reservation label
- Applied patch for HTTP security headers
- Updated Italian language
- Fixed English admin help page
- Fixed issue that was sending approval request emails on every reservation create/update if approval emails were enabled
- Fixed issue sending email from *nix servers
- Added custom attributes to reports
- Added resource groups to calendar views
- Added ability to enter maintenance mode
- Added ability manage user groups through API
- Added more options for customizing the reservation slot label, including using custom attributes
- Added ability to customize reservation label for My Calendar, Resource Calendar, ICS feeds, RSS feeds and the reservation popup
- Added list of dates and resources to reservation confirmation message
- Added ability to receive reservation approval request emails
- Added API to get schedule slots
- Added finer-grained control over what profile values can be managed through Booked when using an authentication plugin
- Reduced the size of the bookings page
- Fixed bug graying out resources and dates when user and schedule timezone don't match
- Fixed bug handling non-UTC dates in API
- Fixed bug performing case sensitive match when checking if user is admin
- Fixed bug for GetAvailability API
- Updated German language files
- Updated Portuguese language files
- Added schedule and resource filter to My Calendar
- Fixed bug displaying week in calendar views
- Reduced the size of the bookings page by ~35%
- Updated German language files
- Updated Japanese language files
- Updated Portuguese language files
- Fixed potential XSS vulnerability on login page
- Fixed problem navigating to reservation details from tall schedule view
- Fixed problem rendering resource group management page
- Fixed problem updating plugin config files through UI
- Fixed date parsing in web services
- Fixed error updating resources
- Fixed manage reservations/resources custom attribute filter when multiple attributes are provided
- Fixed javascript error when recaptcha is disabled during registration
- Fixed error updating usage configuration of resources
- Fixed installer to handle the case when the database exists but no tables have been created
- Changed installer to use mysqli
- Fixed error filtering blackouts by resource
- Fixed error creating recurring reservation which sometimes picked the wrong week of the month
- Added ability for admins to filter reservations by custom attributes
- Added ability for admins update reservation custom attributes inline on manage reservations page
- Added paging and filtering on Manage Resources
- Added bulk update on Manage Resources
- Added admin dashboard for all upcoming reservations
- Added ability to leave protocol off script.url setting to auto-detect http vs https
- Fixed bug failing to display error message when invalid daily layout is being created
- Fixed missing HTML tags on print report page
- Added Croatian translation
- Updated Czech translation
- Fixed overly restrictive password validator
- Changed reservation confirmation screen to notify when the reservation requires approval
- Updates to Italian language pack
- Updated German language files
- Changed reservations web service to not default to current user if no user is provided
- Added resource availability web service
- Added reservation approval web service
- Fixed bug creating a opening new reservation window without a selected resource id
- Fixed bug where reservations ending at midnight would show on the next day for condensed view
- Fixed bug where role restricted pages could not be opened up to everyone
- Fixed bug when a hidden resource belongs to a group
- Fixed bug with schedule admin being able to see reservation list and see blackout list
- Fixed bug where readonly schedule page failed to render
- Fixed bug adding/removing resource images
- Fixed sample data import
- Cleaned up sample post-reservation plugin example
- Application renamed from phpScheduleIt to Booked Scheduler (why?)
- Added ability to reserve resource groups
- Added ability to filter schedule resources
- Added ability to specify resource type
- Added enhanced resource status management
- Added ability to specify buffer time between reservations (per resource)
- Custom attributes now appear on all reservation emails and balloons
- Added ability set custom attributes for an individual resource, user or resource type
- Added ability manage config files for all plugins through the UI
- Added ability to set reservation colors per user
- Added ability to subscribe to reservation Atom feeds
- Added ability update blackouts
- Added ability attach multiple items to a reservation
- Added Shibboleth authentication plugin (thank you to the folks at UCSF)
- Added ability to email admin for all new account creations
- Updates and cleanup on the API
- Removed password regex setting in favor of password complexity settings
- Changed schedule drop downs to exclude schedules if the user does not have permission to any of the resources belonging to it
- Added wide and condensed booking page views
- Added option to allow all users access to reports
- Added setting for default 'from' email address
- Changed the reservation page to default to the minimum resource reservation time
- Changed reservation update to grant permissions to all users if auto-assign permissions is being turned on
- Fixed showing 'Private' when the current user is the reservation owner
- Fixed bug where recurring reservations across daylight savings time boundaries were not being updated to the correct time
- Fixed bug where schedule would freeze on certain daylight savings boundaries
- Fixed pagination bug on manage reservations page
- Fixed bug allowing invitees to join a reservation that was already at capacity
- Fixed bug not enforcing resource cross day reservation constraint
- Fixed bug where quota rules were being enforced cumulatively for resources on a schedule
- Fixed bug where reminders were being sent for deleted reservations
- Updated all mysql_* calls to mysqli_*
- Numerous other minor fixes and updates
- Added ability to click and drag to create reservations
- Added ability hide blocked slots on schedule
- Added ability to view reservation participation on schedule
- Changed migration process to be asynchronous
- Fixed bug preventing reminders from running on some servers
- Fixed bug hiding labels for periods less than 1 hour
- Fixed bug in configuration management escaping special characters
- Fixed bug when changing start date/end date on reservation page
- Fixed bug selecting wrong start time when user and schedule timezones are different
- Updated German, Portuguese and Hebrew languages
- Changed periods spanning less than an hour to display tick marks instead of times
- Fixed bug when displaying vertical schedule when reservation title contained special characters
- Fixed bug in migration script not copying legacy password correctly
- Fixed bugs generating API documentation
- Added restful API
- Added ability to set different layouts for each day of the week
- Added ability to set reminders for reservation beginning and end
- Added UI management page for changing configuration
- Added ability for users to set default schedule
- Added ability to display schedules vertically
- Text for slot labels is now tokenized
- Added WordPress authentication plugin
- Added ability to use reCAPTCHA instead of built in captcha
- Added ability to set logo and custom css files
- Added configurable home page and logout urls
- Added ability to manage user groups from user management page
- Added Bulgarian and Flemisch language packs
- Localized the installation and configuration pages
- Fixed issues with accessory and reservation migration
- Added ability to disable password reset
- Numerous bug fixes and minor enhancements
- Added ability for administrators of all levels to create reports
- Added ability to create a reservation from the schedule and resource calendar views
- Added ability to create recurring blackout dates
- Added schedule admin role
- Added setting to disable recurring reservations for non-admins
- Added setting to automatically subscribe users to all emails
- Added setting to prevent reservation invitations and participation
- Added setting to load jQuery from CDN
- Added setting to return reservation to pending when updated
- Added Swedish translation
- Added full resource and accessory list to reservation emails
- Added ability to set resource order
- Added email address to user autocomplete
- Numerous minor enhancements added and defects fixed
- Breaking change: For Active Directory authentication, please set your authentication plugin to ActiveDirectory. Ldap plugin is now targeted at non-Active Directory.
- Added ability to create custom attributes
- Rewrote CAPTCHA functionality
- Added account activation emails
- Added ability to upload reservation attachments
- Made post-registration action pluggable
- Added Saml SSO Authentication plugin
- Made configuring resource image directories easier
- Added ability to start schedules on Today
- Numerous minor enhancements added and defects fixed
- Added resource administrator role
- Added configurable ability for application admins, resource admins and group admins to recieve reservation activity emails
- Added configuration options for user name formatting, resource editing rules, privacy settings and CSS extension file
- Added ability to subscribe to schedule, resource and personal calendars
- Added option for owner to receive emails when reservations are deleted
- Added participant email notifications when reservations are deleted
- Added ability use full HTML in announcements and resource descriptions/notes
- Many bug fixes, including: reservation approval, reservation admin delete, resource configuration, admin user creation, group user management, registration CAPTCHA
- Added Dutch, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Catalan languages
- Fix and additional logging for migration
- Minor UI cleanup of validation group error div
- Fixed defect with captcha
- Fixed defect not translating full day names properly when using date formatting
- Fixed some IE7 display problems
- Updated install instructions to be more clear for cPanel users
- Dashboard now shows upcoming reservations for owned/invited/participating
- Fixed defect on quotas which was not working for non English
- Fixed defect where accessories with unlimited quantities were being rejected
- Fixed defect on manage blackouts
- Added pre-reservation plugin example
- Ajax reservation now displays errors
- Fixed defect selecting first period instead of last period when reservation ends at start time of first period
- Fixed defect displaying reservation on first period of the day if it ends at the first period's start time
- Fixed bug adding users from the admin tool
- Fixed javascript single quote bugs
- Perfomance improvements on bookings page
- Added Spanish and Dutch translations
- Added ability to view reservation details from view schedule page
- Fixed defect loading translated emails
- Fixed defect approving reservations
- Fixed defects when using IE
- Fixed defect showing an error during log out when using LDAP
- Fully rewritten from scratch with a focus on testability, extensibility and maintainability
- All new, more intuitive and friendly user interface
- Pluggable authentication, authorization, permissions, pre/post reservation actions
- Ability to reserve multiple resources at one time
- Flexible layout configuration and time slot labeling
- Quotas
- Roles
- Better Microsoft Outlook integration
- Easier installation process