It's a simple python3 application that tracks prices and warn the user by email.
python3 or later to run price-tracker
This application uses gmail smtp server, so firstly you should have a gmail account. I suggest you to use two-step verification for the application. For additional information check the links bellow.
You can test application with using temp mail as receiver. I use while development.
recommended way to install is via pip:
pip3 install price-tracker
You can install the latest version from Git
pip3 install git+
- Run bellow command to set configurations. It will be automatically opened http://localhost:5051 and after saving config and product list you can click Shutdown Server button or "ctrl + c" in terminal.
price_tracker init
- After setting configuration and product list, it is enough to run bellow command.
- To run in background
nohup python3 -u -m price_tracker
- Added web server to set configuration and product list easily
- Hepsiburada scraper updated
Check change log