Training center is an API that users can access to consume and provide services such as:
- Courses
- Trainers.
- Trainees.
- Managers (secretaries) - Authorized people who can have access to manage all critical information.
You need to run seed, so you can have access to admin user
Command: php artisan migrate:fresh --seed
- User: Evaristo Paulo
- E-mail:
- password: 123456
Although you can have access of some services without authentication, most of the services you need to be authenticated firstly.
- Endpoint: http://localhost::8000/api/auth/login
- Method: POST
- Request
{ "email": "", "password": "example" }
- Response
{ "token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJodHRwOlwvXC9hcGktdHJhaW5pbmctY2VudGVyLnRlc3RcL2FwaVwvYXV0aFwvbG9naW4iLCJpYXQiOjE2MzQ2MzU2MTEsImV4cCI6MTYzNDcyMjAxMSwibmJmIjoxNjM0NjM1NjExLCJqdGkiOiJOZjN6VlR3emR6cWxWNFhRIiwic3ViIjoxLCJwcnYiOiI4N2UwYWYxZWY5ZmQxNTgxMmZkZWM5NzE1M2ExNGUwYjA0NzU0NmFhIn0.9ay0xZkLIowfb1uW3pio8q2GOch1Bn82g74_JkMr7Yg", "token_type": "bearer", "token_validity": 86400 }
- token: Token you need to pass in all request that needs authetication
- token_type: type of the token
- token_validity: How long this token is valid. Default value is 1 day
All endpoints you need to know to start using training center API
- Endpoint: http://localhost::8000/
- Method: GET
- Get info about API
- Endpoint: http://localhost::8000/api/auth/login
- Method: POST
- Request { "email": "", "password": "example" }
- Endpoint: http://localhost::8000/api/auth/profile
- Method: GET
- Get info from authenticated user
- Endpoint: http://localhost::8000/api/auth/refresh
- Method: POST
- Refresh token
- Endpoint: http://localhost::8000/api/auth/logout
- Method: GET
- User logout
- Endpoint: http://localhost::8000/api/secretaries
- Method: GET
- Get list of secretaries
- Endpoint: http://localhost::8000/api/secretaries/store
- Method: POST
- Request { "name": "Daniel Canhamena", "email": "", "phone": "999123456", "bi": "12345678901234", "address": "Cacuaco, Luanda", "gender": 1, }
- Store new secretary
- Endpoint: http://localhost::8000/api/secretaries/1/show
- Method: GET
- Get data from secretaries with id = 1
- Endpoint: http://localhost::8000/api/secretaries/1/update
- Method: PUT
- Request { "name": "Daniel Canhamena", "email": "", "phone": "999123456", "bi": "12345678901234", "address": "Cacuaco, Luanda", "gender": 1, }
- Update data from secretaries with id = 1
- Endpoint: http://localhost::8000/api/secretaries/remove
- Method: DELETE
- Request { "id": 1, }
- delete secretaries with id = 1
- Endpoint: http://localhost::8000/api/courses
- Method: GET
- Get list of courses
- Endpoint: http://localhost::8000/api/courses/store
- Method: POST
- Request { "name": "JAVA", "date_begin": "2021/10/19", "date_end": "2021/10/30", "price": 12000, "description": "Curso de JAVA" }
- Store new course
- Endpoint: http://localhost::8000/api/courses/1/show
- Method: GET
- Get data from course with id = 1
- Endpoint: http://localhost::8000/api/courses/1/update
- Method: PUT
- Request { "name": "JAVA WEB", "date_begin": "2021/10/19", "date_end": "2021/10/30", "price": 12000, "description": "Curso de JAVA WEB" }
- Update data from course with id = 1
- Endpoint: http://localhost::8000/api/courses/remove
- Method: DELETE
- Request { "id": 1, }
- delete course with id = 1
- Endpoint: http://localhost::8000/api/courses/completed
- Method: POST
- Request { "id": 1, }
- Course with id = 1 is not available for new trainne anymore
- Endpoint: http://localhost::8000/api/courses/incompleted
- Method: POST
- Request { "id": 1, }
- Course with id = 1 is available for new trainne again
- Endpoint: http://localhost::8000/api/courses/search-by-name
- Method: POST
- Request { "query": "java", }
- Get all courses where we can find "java" word on it.
- Endpoint: http://localhost::8000/api/trainers
- Method: GET
- Get list of trainers
- Endpoint: http://localhost::8000/api/trainers/store
- Method: POST
- Request { "name": "Daniel Canhamena", "email": "", "phone": "999123456", "bi": "12345678901234", "address": "Cacuaco, Luanda", "gender": 1, "courses": [2] }
- Store new trainer
- Endpoint: http://localhost::8000/api/trainers/1/show
- Method: GET
- Get data from trainers with id = 1
- Endpoint: http://localhost::8000/api/trainers/1/update
- Method: PUT
- Request { "name": "Daniel Canhamena", "email": "", "phone": "999123456", "bi": "12345678901234", "address": "Cacuaco, Luanda", "gender": 1, "courses": [2] }
- Update data from trainers with id = 1
- Endpoint: http://localhost::8000/api/trainers/remove
- Method: DELETE
- Request { "id": 1, }
- delete trainers with id = 1
- Endpoint: http://localhost::8000/api/trainees
- Method: GET
- Get list of trainees
- Endpoint: http://localhost::8000/api/trainees/store
- Method: POST
- Request { "name": "Maria Madalena", "email": "", "phone": "999123456", "bi": "12345678901234", "address": "Cacuaco, Luanda", "gender": 1, "courses": [2] }
- Store new trainee
- Endpoint: http://localhost::8000/api/trainees/1/show
- Method: GET
- Get data from trainees with id = 1
- Endpoint: http://localhost::8000/api/trainees/1/update
- Method: PUT
- Request { "name": "Maria Madalena João", "email": "", "phone": "999123456", "bi": "12345678901234", "address": "Cacuaco, Luanda", "gender": 1, "courses": [2] }
- Update data from trainees with id = 1
- Endpoint: http://localhost::8000/api/trainees/remove
- Method: DELETE
- Request { "id": 1, }
- delete trainees with id = 1
Here you can find some info about data and its value
- Course
- name: Course name (required)
- date_begin: date to begin this course (required) (YYYY/MM/DD)
- date_end: date to end this course (required) (YYYY/MM/DD)
- price: cost (required)
- Description: Some info about this course (optional)
- Trainer
- name: Trainer full name (required)
- email: email (required)
- phone: phone (required)
- bi: Identity Document (required)
- address: address (required)
- gender: gender id (required)
- courses: course id (it can be array of courses id) (required)
- Trainee
- name: Trainee full name (required)
- email: email (required)
- phone: phone (required)
- bi: Identity Document (required)
- address: address (required)
- gender: gender id (required)
- courses: course id (it can be array of courses id) (required)