alert: Add numberingSystem property (#5340 ) (ac3746a )
date-picker, input-date-picker: Add numberingSystem property (#5488 ) (2e025d8 )
flow-item: Add calciteFlowItemScroll event (#5547 ) (85e89d6 ), closes #5546
stepper, stepper-item: Add numberingSystem property (#5467 ) (9ca3117 )
time-picker, input-time-picker: Add numberingSystem property (#5301 ) (7eaf051 )
tree-item: Allow disabling tree-item (#5194 ) (a16bea2 ), closes #3772
Allow lang to be inherited to set component locale (#5338 ) (3c58569 )
Use pointer events instead of mouse events to improve device compatibility (#5339 ) (2dcd031 )
Bug Fixes
action-menu: Fix keydown support (#5642 ) (8297482 ), closes #5559
alert, date-picker-month-header, input-date-picker, loader, panel: Adds RTL equivalent CSS (#5368 ) (9582c04 )
block: Improve content layout (#5473 ) (2cc0a5f ), closes #5422
button, fab: Bumping the scale of icon to M when the parent Button / FAB is scale L (#5521 ) (fa508e8 )
calcite-loader, calcite-input-message: Drop active in favor of hidden (#5537 ) (4cb0ea1 )
date-picker: Display correct date format order in header for zh-CN locale. (#5534 ) (ef3ebf8 )
date-picker: No longer hides year for zh-CN locale (#5344 ) (d10593e )
date-picker-day: Adds RTL equivalent CSS (#5363 ) (98106c2 )
flow-item: Fix scrollContentTo (#5487 ) (246e470 ), closes #5414
flow-item: Render back button first (#5511 ) (35b10e7 )
flow-item, panel: Fix layout issue that would cause double scrollbars (#5486 ) (96dcb78 ), closes #5428
input, input-number: NumberingSystem property works correctly (#5427 ) (2a15c79 )
input, input-number, input-text: Fix input icons not displaying properly in Firefox (#5475 ) (3d6ba64 ), closes #5417
slider: Dragging range fires input event (#5641 ) (dc48d00 ), closes #5449
slider: Fix slider (single-value) error when clicking range (#5533 ) (519df13 ), closes #5321
slider: Thumb no longer appears above track at min (#5397 ) (dc91d3c )
stepper-item: Make sure numberingSystem is rendered on load (#5640 ) (187620a )
tab: Applies section styles onto the enclosing parent (#5516 ) (f3e06a4 )
tabs: Bordered and layout center combination works (#5647 ) (eb7fe04 )
tile-select: Ensure checked tile border is visible within tile-select group (#5390 ) (0b28dbd )
tooltip: Prevent opening when closeOnClick is true and referenceElement is clicked quickly (#5643 ) (35b3fe0 ), closes #5538
types: Fix type issue caused by unintentionally moving @floating-ui/dom as a dev dependency (#5649 ) (3ae1826 )
Add custom logic for floating-ui positioning across shadow DOM in non-Chromium browsers (#5542 ) (04cb8cb )
Fix jarring positioning when a closed component is first opened (#5484 ) (4c939ea )
tree, tree-item: Works when tree is the topmost element in a shadow root where it has no parent (#5472 ) (8ac3785 ), closes #5333
value-list-item: Change drag handle color (#5543 ) (49d871d )
Components should only react to primary button pointer events (#5519 ) (ed55933 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.