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@benelan benelan released this 21 Dec 21:34

1.0.0-beta.72 (2021-12-21)


  • input-time-picker: localization support for input-time-picker (#3354)


  • alert: allow disabling animation and customizing animation/transition duration (#3479) (aaf6149)
  • animation: add animation timing factor global var and match animation timing with calcite base value (#3492) (9ef2f13)
  • button,link: allow disabling animation and customizing animation/transition duration (#3510) (0be50e1)
  • color-picker: allow disabling and customizing transition duration on hover (#3488) (736de1a)
  • input-time-picker: localization support for input-time-picker (#3354) (4ef1f2f)
  • loader: allow disabling animation and customizing animation/transition duration (#3487) (3a2c580)
  • modal: allow disabling animation and customizing animation/transition duration (#3486) (4432b07)
  • notice: allow customizing animation/transition duration (#3485) (bf33843)
  • radio-button-group-item: allow disabling & customizing animation/transition duration (#3484) (8e91ad9)
  • scrim: allow disabling animation & customizing animation/transition duration (#3483) (cc0004a)
  • slider: allow disabling & customizing animation/transition duration (#3482) (0c5e2bc)
  • split-button: allow disabling and customizing animation/transition duration (#3477) (2d61415)
  • tip-manager: allow customizing animation/transition duration (#3471) (a949003)
  • tree-item: allow disabling animation & customizing animation/transition duration (#3498) (109f15a)

Bug Fixes

  • action-bar: Allow slotting tooltip after initialization (#3642) (d91132c), closes #3495
  • action-bar: removed thick border around action-bar when nested in the shell-center-row (#3698) (7e0f5db)
  • Block: only render title node when heading or summary is used (61b9280)
  • button: no longer render loader when width set to half or full (#3666) (c82a7e2)
  • button: unset margin when icon is empty (#3677) (47fc625)
  • combobox: fix focus behavior inside calcite label (#3597) (#3661) (1ec2dab)
  • date-picker: date-picker is now updating internally when min is updated after initialization (#3651) (c21e31e)
  • date-picker-month-header: add a corresponding aria-label to the year input (#3707) (7db42c1)
  • dropdown-item: align items with heading in selection-mode: none (#3690) (5a139fa)
  • input: input event fires when number ends with a decimal (#3719) (5583ab4)
  • input: sanitize extra dashes and leading zeros from number input value (#3726) (bf35b2f)
  • input-date-picker: date-picker is now updating internally when min is updated after initialization (#3630) (d857845)
  • label: remove pointer cursor for non interactive content (#3663) (102545c)
  • option: update label and value when character data changes (#3653) (b033145), closes #3242
  • panel: remove truncating for summary and heading prop (#3736) (e5bed9a)
  • panel: the panel is now dismissed on escape keydown and not keyup for consistency (#3657) (7d3b757)
  • popover: close button no longer partially hidden (#3635) (bebd22e)
  • slider: slider now takes the precision of the step if it's provided or no decimal points if it isn’t; added demos for each study case (#3678) (2bfa349)
  • switch: switch no longer has black outline when toggled with label (#3721) (153596b)
  • tab: remove content text color from host (#3693) (951c773)
  • tab: remove the scroll that pops up regardless of any width size (#3279) (#3387) (09bdd12), closes #3055 #3541