action-bar, action-pad, action-menu, action-group: Add scale property to set scale of actions used internally. (#2934 ) (376ae1b ), closes #2781 #2781
alert, chip, date-picker, input-date-picker, filter, pagination, pick-list-item, rating: capitalize default text values (#2827 ) (140a051 ), closes #2755 #2842 #2668 #2783 #2717
flow: add match-height class (f65fca8 ), closes #2741
scrim: render default slot and add related styles (4250c44 ), closes #2801 #2801 #2801 #2801 #2801
tile: add content-start/content-end slots (#2890 ) (f92db21 ), closes #2113
Bug Fixes
action-bar, action-pad: expanded property should no longer alter actions within an action-menu. #2813 (#2912 ) (f78c197 )
calcite-input: number values properly nudge when step is set to a decimal or "any" (#2939 ) (38e1c09 )
color-picker: fix value for empty color-picker with different format (set initially) (#2886 ) (1b8f4b9 ), closes #2853
combobox: Set focus style correctly. #2515 (#2875 ) (ac3cf5c )
date-picker: Fix logic for hovering and setting date ranges. #2763 (#2916 ) (1da73c0 )
dropdown: Stops closing after selection even with disableCloseOnSelect. #2761 (#2895 ) (0950e3d )
inline-editable: prevent button :hover style when disabled, center in container (#2931 ) (1f4ff3e ), closes #2926
input: ensure clearable button has focus outline (#2929 ) (98dcf6c )
input: prevent added margin to number buttons in safari, independent hover styles (#2904 ) (a109ba2 ), closes #2874
slider: align slider handle to container, ensure histogram stretches full width (#2867 ) (f0ae422 ), closes #913 #2706
tree: Tree with nested tree elements should fire only one event (#2893 ) (ba65ab3 ), closes #2440
You can’t perform that action at this time.