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@jcfranco jcfranco released this 03 Aug 00:54


  • color-picker: The calciteColorPickerChange will no longer be emitted as the color field/hue slider thumb is dragged (only on release). To track the color values as the thumb is dragged, use the new calciteColorPickerInput event.


  • animation: add global animation classes, duration CSS Custom Property (#2607) (c7f70dc), closes #2411
  • calcite-input: allow integer only input when step is a whole number (#2563) (3af675b)
  • color-picker: introduce input event and modify change event to no longer fire as hue slider/color field thumbs are dragged (#2653) (8b41ca4), closes #2303
  • slider: Add support for histogram color stops (#2572) (9bb242d), closes #834
  • value-list-item, pick-list-item: add nonInteractive prop (f06906c), closes #2040 #2040 #2040 #2040 #2040

Bug Fixes

  • button: Remove use of document.getElementsByName() (#2574) (59712b4), closes #1958
  • button, checkbox, input, radio-button: Support native forms across shadow boundary. (#2575) (0989acb)
  • calcite-list-item: adds bit of spacing between label and description (e81c37d)
  • color-picker: improve mouse tracking when dragging color field/hue slider thumb (#2676) (35bc30c), closes #2335
  • combobox: Deprecate the calciteLookupChange event in favor of calciteComboboxChange (#2579) (fc7c0f8), closes #2499
  • input: disabled calcite-input + type=number allows interaction with the up/down buttons (#2609) (7249cad), closes #2582
  • input: Fix calcite-input with clearable + "enter" key. #2675 (#2679) (332991a)
  • input: fix layout of number input with horizontal button layout (#2581) (58866ac), closes #2422
  • slider: ensure change event is emitted consistently (#2677) (ee6240a), closes #2309
  • value-list: Prevent tabbing through navigated items with single selection (#2590) (54dfcf3), closes #2402
  • x-close input buttons: x hover ui-text-1 (#2596) (1560224)