A CLI tool for viewing and downloading RLM Patreon exclusive content.
Clone the repo and install using the setup.py file.
$ python setup.py install
Access the manager using the rlm-patreon
$ rlm-patreon
Usage: rlm-patreon [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Manage Patreon exclusive content.
--help Show this message and exit.
account Manage your Patreon account.
videos Manage Patreon exclusive videos.
Login to your RLM Patreon account before using the manager the first time.
$ rlm-patreon account login
Email: example@email.com
Repeat for confirmation:
Successfully logged in!
You'll need to run the update command for each content type to populate the database, for example:
$ rlm-patreon videos update
Scanning for new videos: 100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████| 25/25 videos
Added 25 new video(s)!
Display a list of all content by type.
$ rlm-patreon videos list
| ID | Date | Title | Description |
| 1 | 12 July 2021 | Wheel of the Worst #22 Outtakes | |
| 2 | 06 June 2021 | BOTW 101 Outtakes | |
| 3 | 04 June 2021 | True Lies Voice Over Man | I had to dig up the file of this video for this new BOTW, so I [...] |
| 4 | 17 May 2021 | Rich Evans Watches Weber Cooks | |
| 5 | 12 May 2021 | Star Trek Trivia Outtakes | |
| 6 | 06 April 2021 | Best of the Worst 99/Half in the Bag 191Outtakes | |
| 7 | 14 March 2021 | 10 Year Anniversary Outtakes | |
| 8 | 22 February 2021 | Blood Shack Outtakes | |
| 9 | 02 February 2021 | Dustin Diamond interview | Way back on only our third episode of Half in the Bag, fellow [...] |
| 10 | 31 January 2021 | SpaceJacked BTS Video | A quick look at the making of the Spacejacked ending to the [...] |
Display info about a specific piece of content.
$ rlm-patreon videos show 3
ID: 3
Date: 04 June 2021
Title: True Lies Voice Over Man
Description: I had to dig up the file of this video for this new BOTW, so I thought I'd make a reel of all the
nasty nasty song lyrics being read by the voice over man. Enjoy!
Video: https://vimeo.com/558336763
URL: https://www.patreon.com/posts/true-lies-voice-52110362
Download a file to your local drive.
$ rlm-patreon videos download 1
Download file to /Users/username/Videos/BOTW 22 Outtakes.mp4? [y/N]: y
BOTW 22 Outtakes.mp4: 100%|██████████████████████████████████████████| 254697/254697 [00:01<00:00, 13426.97KB/s]
By default files will be downloaded to user's home directory, but you can change the default destination for your account.
$ rlm-patreon account update --download_dir /path/to/destination
Or set the destination on a per-download basis:
$ rlm-patreon videos download 1 --dest /path/to/destinaton
Use the open command to launch the original content page on the RLM website in a browser.
$ rlm-patreon videos open 1
Opening https://www.patreon.com/posts/wheel-of-worst-53603542
You can always view the options for commands using the --help
$ rlm-patreon videos --help
Usage: rlm-patreon videos [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Manage Patreon exclusive minisodes.
--help Show this message and exit.
download Download a video by ID.
list Show all available videos.
open Open web page for video.
show Show video details by ID.
update Updates the the list of videos.