This is a step-by-step multi-layers perceptrons neural network tutorial. We use python3 as our language.
- numpy is the main package for scientific computing with Python.
- matplotlib is a library to plot graphs in Python.
- scipy is the SciPy package of key algorithms and functions core to Python's scientific computing capabilities.
Helper.pdf is a mathematics description of MLP neural network framework.
We hope to build a MLP class to denote our network. Following
- relu function
- derivative of relu function
- softmax function
- derivative of softmax function
- input, python array (list), of number of nodes for each layer, for example, a 2 layers network:
layer_dims = [num0, num1, num2]
- set weights and bias for each layers, where wl has shape (layer_dims[l] * layer_dims[l-1]) ,and bl has shape (layer_dims[l],1).
Inputting train set X, This function will calculate out the result of our neural network via self weights and bias and activation function iterating L times.
- input X, self
- return AL
input AL, c
output dZL
If you want to look at the detailed explanation of , please click here. If you are not such crazy about mathematics. Helper contains a concise, but convincible conduction of backpropagation algorithm.
- input self, X, c
- ouput dbl, dWl from l =1,...,L
Uploading .mat file into python3 environment by
import load_mnist
train_set, train_results, test_set, test_results = load_mnist.load_data()