Release v1.4.0
!!! Dark ages are gone !!!
This new release add SQLite, it's a portable SQL database, no need to configure your personal MySQL server anymore !!
You just have to drag an drop the jar and all works alone !
Like each release, the config files evolves :
Old config :
# The url/ip to access to your database server
Host: localhost
# Port used by your database server
Port: 3306
# The database name that you have already created
Database: my_database
# The user you want to use to login
User: my_user
# The password of the user set above
Password: my_password
# Define if the connection must be secure or not with ssl
# UseSSL: false
# The prefix you want to user of tables to avoid conflicts with other tables
TablePrefix: GMC_
# The simultaneous connection always active to reduce time of interface execution
SimultaneousConnection: 4
New config
# Storage type. Possible values: sqlite, mysql
# If Storage type is equals to mysql you will need to fill informations inside Connection part
Type: sqlite
# The prefix you want to user of tables to avoid conflicts with other tables
TablePrefix: GMC_
# Connection informations
# The url/ip to access to your database server
Host: localhost
# Port used by your database server
Port: 3306
# The database name that you have already created
Database: my_database
# The user you want to use to login
User: my_user
# The password of the user set above
Password: my_password
# Define if the connection must be secure or not with ssl
# UseSSL: false
# The simultaneous connection always active to reduce time of interface execution
SimultaneousConnection: 4
If you have MySQL server after reset your config file set de Storage.type to mysql.
- Fix issue with tables were not created inside MySQL. Caused by sql_mode NO_ZERO_DATE
- Fix stacktrace (NoSuchMethod) displayed