This package provides a simple wrapper for reusing compiled rstan models across packages.
Install the package using devtools: devtools::install_github("eointravers/mystanmodels")
Create a folder at ~/stanmodels/
, where ~
is your home folder.
If you're not sure where that is, try the following command in R:
## [1] "Stan models are saved in /home/eoin/stanmodels/"
Copy your stan model code into this folder.
You can use subfolders to organise your code,
e.g. ~/stanmodels/sdt/equal_variance.stan
For this example,
the following stan file has been saved as
data {
int<lower=0> N; // number of data points
int<lower=0> K; // number of predictors
matrix[N, K] X; // predictor matrix (excluding intercept)
vector[N] y; // outcome vector
parameters {
real alpha; // intercept
vector[K] beta; // coefficients for predictors
real<lower=0> sigma; // error scale
model {
y ~ normal(X * beta + alpha, sigma); // likelihood
stan_data = list(
N = nrow(iris),
K = 1, # N predictors
X = as.matrix(iris$Petal.Length, ncol=1),
y = iris$Petal.Width)
# Compile model defined in ~/stanmodels/simple_lm.stan,
# and save it for future use. This takes a while.
simple_lm = load_stanmodel('simple_lm')
## Compiling model 'simple_lm' for the first time.
samples = sampling(simple_lm, data=stan_data)
# Alternatively....
# vb_fit = vb(simple_lm, data=stan_data)
# opt_fit = optimizing(simple_lm, data=stan_data)
Then, in a later session
simple_lm = load_stanmodel('simple_lm')
## Loading compiled model 'simple_lm'.
## Compilation date: 2020-10-09 12:01:24
Other options are load_stanmodel('simple_lm', force_recompile=T)
which should be self-explanatory, and
load_stanmodel('simple_lm', avoid_recompile=T)
which throws an error if the model isn't already compiled.
returns the contents of the .stan fileget_model_date(model_name)
checks whe the model was last compiledlist_my_stanmodels()
returns a list of all available models.