PHP command line utility that can be called by a deployment script, able to perform installation specific configuration, database updates and/or rollbacks.
It performs the following tasks:
- Perform database operations using PDO, required to update and/or rollback the database of a project's installation to a newer version
In the future the following tasks will be supported:
- Process custom PHP update scripts
- Rollback/update multiple versions in a chain
- Surgical rollback by keeping track of the individual steps in an update that failed
Updater expects you to provide a version number as well as a path to a local directory with update packages. Each update package is a subdirectory containing a credentials file, as well as SQL schemas for updating and/or rollbacking the database.
For example:
\--- 1.2.0
| |
| \--- db_credentials.php
| \--- db_changes.sql
| \--- db_rollback.sql
\--- 1.2.1
| |
| \--- db_credentials.php
| \--- db_changes.sql
| \--- db_rollback.sql
The SQL files must contain fully formed SQL commands that PHP's PDO::query() method can execute independently, one at a time.
The db_credentials.php needs to return an array like so:
return array(
'dsn' => 'mysql:dbname=database_name;host=hostname',
'username' => 'username',
'password' => 'password'
You can download Composer using:
$ curl -s | php
This will install a composer.phar script in the current directory. This file can be added to .gitignore, so you can keep it locally.
Run the app from the command line using app/console
. Use the following to see a list of commands:
$ app/console list
$ app/console update <version_number> <path/to/updates/directory>
$ app/console rollback <version_number> <path/to/updates/directory>
This project requires PHP 5.3+. All external libraries can be installed using Composer:
$ php composer.phar install # Install all dependencies to your machine
Remember to periodically run the following command to update vendor software:
$ php composer.phar update
Run the tests using PHPUnit:
$ phpunit
Generate code coverage HTML:
$ phpunit --coverage-html ./phpunit-reports
Updated whenever problems and solutions arise.