NOTE: Deveoplment and support for this modual have come to an end, as of Foundry 0.7.X, the core software now possess a feature that this mod was providing.
- Author: EndlesNights#9000
- Version: 1.0.3
- Foundry VTT Compatibility: 0.6.0 to 0.6.6
- System Compatibility: Universal
Day Night Lights module for Foundry VTT - A controller for adding a secondary light options that will automatically update to when changing between day & night lighting conditions.
- Open the Foundry application and click "Install Module" in the "Add-On Modules" tab.
- Paste the following link:
- Click "Install"
- Activate the module in your World using Manage Modules under the Game Settings tab.
Extract the file to the public/modules directory. Use the Manage Modules
in your World on the Settings tab of the sidebar on the right and then enable the Day Night Lights
Version 1.0.3
Fixed Color picker, it should now work properly. Users can now use many of the current light options for the alternative light by leaving the text fields empty.
Version 1.0.2
Users can now set the alternative X/Y coordinates to a null value and it will contumely use the current X/Y cordnates without overwriting them when the lights change. Fixed issue so the color picking for Alternative Light now works properly again. (turns out not quite woops)
Version 1.0.1
Changed a Light Source Conidguation Propery name from "Dynamic Light" To "Dynamic Day/Night Light"
Version 1.0.0
Inistial release version.