The goal of walmartAPI is to give access to the API created by walmartlabs to search products, locate stores etc etc.
To use this package you will need an API key which you can acquire by signing up on this website
walmartAPI is available on CRAN and can be installed normally with
or you can install walmartAPI from
github with:
# install.packages("devtools")
This package provides a handful for functionalities. We are able to look up a specific product based on an ID.
key <- "************************"
walmartAPI::lookup(id = 19336123, key = key)
#> # A tibble: 1 x 15
#> itemId name msrp salePrice upc categoryPath longDescription
#> <int> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 1.93e7 Inte… 300. 200. 0782… Toys/Outdoo… <br><…
#> # ... with 8 more variables: thumbnailImage <chr>,
#> # productTrackingUrl <chr>, standardShipRate <dbl>, marketplace <lgl>,
#> # productUrl <chr>, availableOnline <lgl>, offerType <chr>,
#> # shippingPassEligible <lgl>
search in products using plain text
walmartAPI::searching("ipod", key = key)
#> # A tibble: 10 x 15
#> itemId name msrp salePrice upc categoryPath longDescription
#> <int> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 4.26e7 Appl… 247 189 8884… Electronics… <b><b…
#> 2 5.41e8 Appl… NA 299 8884… Electronics… 2015 Apple Inc…
#> 3 4.26e7 Appl… 300. 190. 8884… Electronics… IPOD TOUCH 16G…
#> 4 5.42e7 Appl… 185. 173. 1903… Electronics… <ul class=&…
#> 5 4.61e7 Appl… 297 289 8884… Electronics… IPOD TOUCH 64G…
#> 6 5.27e7 iPod… 30.0 12.0 7429… Electronics… <ul><…
#> 7 4.65e7 iPod… 30.0 6.99 7136… Electronics… iPod Touch 6 C…
#> 8 8.68e8 Appl… NA 370. 7087… Electronics… <ul><…
#> 9 1.26e8 Appl… NA 190. 7056… Electronics… <ul><…
#> 10 1.40e8 Unde… NA 220 6464… Electronics… <ul><…
#> # ... with 8 more variables: thumbnailImage <chr>,
#> # productTrackingUrl <chr>, standardShipRate <dbl>, marketplace <lgl>,
#> # productUrl <chr>, availableOnline <lgl>, offerType <chr>,
#> # shippingPassEligible <lgl>
and locate stores in your area
store_locator(city = "Houston", key = key)
#> # A tibble: 86 x 12
#> no name country lon lat streetAddress city stateProvCode zip
#> <int> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 5959 Hous… US -95.4 29.8 111 Yale St Hous… TX 77007
#> 2 5612 Hous… US -95.3 29.7 2391 S Waysi… Hous… TX 77023
#> 3 4526 Hous… US -95.4 29.8 4412 North F… Hous… TX 77022
#> 4 3640 Hous… US -95.5 29.8 1118 Silber … Hous… TX 77055
#> 5 3584 Hous… US -95.5 29.7 5405 South R… Hous… TX 77081
#> 6 2718 Hous… US -95.5 29.7 9555 S Post … Hous… TX 77096
#> 7 2066 Hous… US -95.5 29.7 2727 Dunvale… Hous… TX 77063
#> 8 5094 Hous… US -95.5 29.7 9700 Hillcro… Hous… TX 77096
#> 9 2257 Hous… US -95.5 29.9 13484 Northw… Hous… TX 77040
#> 10 2724 Pasa… US -95.2 29.7 1107 Shaver … Pasa… TX 77506
#> # ... with 76 more rows, and 3 more variables: phoneNumber <chr>,
#> # sundayOpen <lgl>, timezone <chr>