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Code for the paper "Black-Box vs. Gray-Box: A Case Study on Learning Table Tennis Ball Trajectory Prediction with Spin and Impacts" (Achterhold J., Tobuschat, P., Ma, H., Buechler, D., Muehlebach, M. and Stueckler J.), presented at L4DC 2023


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Code for "Black-Box vs. Gray-Box: A Case Study on Learning Table Tennis Ball Trajectory Prediction with Spin and Impacts"

This repository contains code and evaluations for the table tennis ball tracking and prediction model presented in the paper "Black-Box vs. Gray-Box: A Case Study on Learning Table Tennis Ball Trajectory Prediction with Spin and Impacts", presented at the Learning for Dynamics and Control Conference (L4DC), 2023.

Median prediction error for 1s prediction is 10.3cm. Blue: Every 10th measurement, orange: filtered trajectory, green: predicted trajectory.

Achterhold, Jan and Tobuschat, Philip and Ma, Hao and Buechler, Dieter and Muehlebach, Michael and Stueckler, Joerg:
Black-Box vs. Gray-Box: A Case Study on Learning Table Tennis Ball Trajectory Prediction with Spin and Impacts
Learning for Dynamics and Control Conference (L4DC), 2023.

Paper with supplementary materials:

If you use the code, data or models provided in this repository for your research, please cite our paper as:

  title = {Black-Box vs. Gray-Box: A Case Study on Learning Table Tennis Ball Trajectory Prediction with Spin and Impacts},
  author = {Achterhold, Jan and Tobuschat, Philip and Ma, Hao and B{\"u}chler, Dieter and Muehlebach, Michael and Stueckler, Joerg},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the Learning for Dynamics and Control Conference (L4DC)},
  year = {2023},

1. Install environment

We use PyTorch to implement our model, but found that GPU acceleration does not bring a significant advantage over running the model on GPU. However, this may depend on your specific hardware. We use Python 3.9.

  1. Update pip, install wheel
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install wheel
  1. Install PyTorch 1.12.0 for CPU
pip install torch==1.12.0+cpu --extra-index-url
  1. Install remaining requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt

2. Download trajectory data

The table tennis ball trajectories used for training and evaluating the model are available for download. To download and extract the trajectory data, run

wget -O trajectory_data.tgz
mkdir data/
tar xvz -f trajectory_data.tgz -C data/

See at for licensing information of the trajectory data.

Data format

Here, a description is given on the format of the HDF5 trajectory data files, in case you are interested in using the trajectory data in your own projects. Recorded trajectory data is stored in HDF files. Each trajectory is an HDF group within the HDF group processed, uniquely identified by a launcher orientation identifier (e.g., lp7) and a 4-digit number, separated by a '%' sign, i.e., lp7%7000, lp7%7001, etc.

The following launcher orientations are available:

  • lp7: Trajectories from the 'default' launcher orientation
  • lp7aug: Augmented trajectories from the 'default' launcher orientation (see data/
  • lp9X: Trajectories from the 'unseen' launcher orientation, with lp9 aggregating all of them.

Each trajectory, e.g. lp7%7000, contains 4 datasets (numpy arrays) and two attributes. The datasets are

  • timestamps: shape [T,], double
    Timestamp in milliseconds when the measurement arrived at the measurement PC (NOT the time when the measurement was taken)
  • frame_indices: shape [T,], int
    Integer index of the recording - gives the time the measurement was taken when multiplied with the sampling interval of 1/180Hz ~ 5.6ms
  • positions: shape [T,3], double
    Position measurements
  • side_info: shape [7], double
    Side information on the launch process. The fields are rot_z_ccw_sin,rot_z_ccw_cos,phi,theta,top_left_motor,top_right_motor,bottom_motor. The first two fields indicate the rotation of the launcher frame about the z axis, phi is the actuation for the azimuthal angle of the launcher head ($s_\phi$ in the paper), theta is the actuation for the elevation angle of the launcher head ($s_\theta$ in the paper), and the remaining three fields are the motor actuations $s_{tl}, s_{tr}, s_{b}$.

The attributes are

  • first_up_idx: int
    Integer index of the first measurement after an impact has happened. Impacts were detected with data/
  • split: str
    Split assignment of the trajectory (train/test/val).

Visualizations of the dataset

With the notebook at ball_model/data/notebooks/visualization.ipynb, visualizations of the datasets can be created (as shown below). It also includes the fitting routine to map from actuation parameters $s_\phi$, $s_\theta$ to actual angles.

*Visualizations of trajectories from the 'default' (lp7) launcher orientation. *

3. Train or download models

You can either train the models yourself, or download pre-trained models from the internet.


Train a single model

  • With launcher info
python -m --id=model_ekf_g_lp7aug_sialways_s1 with ekf_default_args use_side_info=always seed=1 
  • Without launcher info
python -m --id=model_ekf_g_lp7aug_sinever_s1 with ekf_default_args use_side_info=never seed=1 

Train model ablations

To train different ablations, e.g., on augmented/non-augmented data and (not) using launcher info, on 10 seeds, see jobs/github_ekf/train/, which generates jobs/github_ekf/train/train_jobs_ekf.txt. This file contains jobs you can run in parallel, e.g. with your favorite job scheduling tool.

Run evaluation on trained models

Run all commands in jobs/github_ekf/eval/eval_jobs_ekf.txt (can be run in parallel).

Download trained models

Trained models, on all ablations, including their evaluations, can be obtained with

wget -O trained_models.tgz
mkdir experiments
tar xvz -f trained_models.tgz -C experiments

Note that the archive file above is 9.8 GB large. See at for information on licensing of the trained models.

4. Generate plots

After either training and evaluating all model ablations, or downloading trained models from the internet, you can generate the plots presented in the paper.

Comparison of prediction error (1s prediction) for different EKF methods.
*Correlation of spins predicted by the neural network and spins from the physical model. *

Run the filter once

For an example on how to run the filter, see ball_model/filter/

Additional tools

For computational performance, we manually implemented gradients of the EKF. The script at ball_model/differentiable_simulator/ checks their validity.

Code license



Code for the paper "Black-Box vs. Gray-Box: A Case Study on Learning Table Tennis Ball Trajectory Prediction with Spin and Impacts" (Achterhold J., Tobuschat, P., Ma, H., Buechler, D., Muehlebach, M. and Stueckler J.), presented at L4DC 2023







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