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I am using two type of file XSD and linear file builder.
- Linear is file where every line are creating something based on the file extension.
- XSD/XML are file that are more readable and allows better but slower configuration. In resume, Linear are quick but "dirty" and XSD/XML are clear but take time to define.
This file allows you to define a boolean value based on the focus of an application. Example:
Apex♦ Apex Legends
This file allows you to quickly convert a boolean condition to a new boolean. Example:
FootLeftRelease + FootRightRelease ♦ FeetRelease
This file allow you to name the keyboard key to a boolean value independently of the platform (Mac, Window, Linux, Android...) (The read of the keyboard work only on Window for the moment)
This file allow you to name the keyboard key of a window keyboard to a boolean.
This file allows you to create boolean that you just change once in a while. Example:
This file allow you to create morse sequence to be listened. Example:
Shift♦...♦ ☗ExitTime 400 ☗TriggerOnFound ♦macro:window:nextmusic
Shift♦--♦ ☗ExitTime 1500 ☗TriggerOnExit ♦macro:window:pausemusic
Shift♦---♦ ☗ExitTime 1500 ☗TriggerOnExit ♦macro:window:restartmusic
This file allow you to create morse sequence to be listened to but instead of using time as short or long, you defined two conditions. Example:
Ctrl♦Space♦.--♦macro:csharp:createclass♦ ☗ExitTime 800 ☗TriggerOnExit
ScrollUp♦ScrollDown♦.--♦macro:photoshop:selection♦ ☗ExitTime 800 ☗TriggerOnExit
This tools allow to create a groupe or macro to be call based on a sentence Example:
agame:jump♦jomi:Space↓ Space↑
agame:slide♦jomi:Shift↓ Shift↑
agame:rush♦agame:slide♦In 0.3s|agame:jump
Allows you to define a regex that will trigger some actions if found. See: https://regexr.com/ for more information on Regex Example:
[Hh]ello♦debuglog Hello guys♦In 0.2s|debuglog How are you going?
Allows to named a part of screen as a boolean value. (The values are in pourcent) Example:
//Set boolean to true if the mouse cursor is in the following zone of the screen
//Square:MinLeftRight:MaxLefRight:MinBotTop:MaxBotTop ♦ BooleanName
Square:0.45:0.55:0.45:0.55 ♦ ScreenCenter
Allows you to do action based on condition entry. Example:
//When requested, start aiming and fire every 800ms until not requested
UseGun ♦ macro:thegame:starttoaim ♦ ☗TriggerOnTrue
UseGun ♦ macro:thegame:fire ♦ ☗LoopOnTrue 800
UseGun ♦ macro:thegame:stoptoaim ♦ ☗TriggerOnFalse
Allows you to do action if a condition is use for an specific amount of time Example:
// If the user press control and space for 800 ms then use the tool paint in photoshop
Ctrl+Space ♦macro:photoshop:select ♦ ☗Time 0 ☗TriggerOnRange
Ctrl+Space ♦macro:photoshop:paint ♦ ☗Time 800 ☗TriggerOnRange
Ctrl+Space ♦macro:photoshop:shape ♦ ☗Time 1600 ☗TriggerOnRange
// if user press shortly the key 'G' then use frag, for short time a smoke grenade and more time a mine.
G ♦macro:game:fraggrenade ♦ ☗MinTime 0 ☗MaxTime 500 ☗TriggerOnReleaseInRange
G ♦macro:game:smokegrenade ♦ ☗MinTime 500 ☗MaxTime 1500 ☗TriggerOnReleaseInRange
G ♦macro:game:mine ♦ ☗Time 1500 ☗TriggerOnRange
This file allows you to create quickly line condition state machine. Basically it is a tool that check that some condition are following one after an other in a amount of time. Example
//If the user press escape then control then space under 2 seconds and under 0.5s between action then go in map.
Escape↓ ➤ Control↓ ➤ Space↓ ♦ macro:game:map ♦ ☗BreakTime 500 ☗StepExitTime 2000
Escape↓ ➤ Control↓ ➤ Ship↓ ♦ macro:game:shop ♦ ☗BreakTime 500 ☗StepExitTime 2000
This file is a bit complexe to explain. In resume it allow you to make a regex based on the apparition of boolean that your observe. Example:
A↓.*B↑.*A↑♦NewToOld♦1000♦A B C D♦debuglog hello
If button A was pressed and button B was released between in the last 1000 second could you send hello to the debug window.
Allows to use Arduino input, or other ,in the project by renaming them and listen to them at the app launch. See tutorial on how to use Arduino with the project
Allows you to set some text to copy past when your request it.
This file allows you to store actions to send at Java Open Macro Input (JOMI) a port of the software that execute what you request it. And here you can give precise timing in MS to be executed.
☗name SOS with Gun
☗callid sosfire
☗description Do the SOS morse sound with the shot of your gun in game