Matchday is an app designed to manage leagues, tournaments, and teams for players of all sports.
This REST API, developed with Node.js, Express, and Sequelize to connect to a MariaDB database, includes user authentication features such as register, login, forgot password, change password and log out.
To install this project, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository to your local machine:
- Install dependencies using npm install.
- Download the file: matchday.sql.
- The server will be available at http://localhost:3003 by default.
To run the project, use the following command:
npm start
The project structure follows a modular design to facilitate scalability and maintenance. Below, the main folders and files are described:
/src (Source):
- /config: Project configurations.
- /controllers: Business logic controllers.
- /middlewares: Custom middleware.
- /models: Data model definitions.
- /routes: Definition of routes and associated controllers.
- /utils: Utilities and auxiliary functions.
- /validations: Used to ensure the integrity and consistency of data in an application.
- POST /auth/register : User registration.
- POST /auth/login : User login.
- POST /auth/forgot-password : User forgot password.
- POST /auth/change-password : User change password.
- POST /auth/logout : User logout.
- GET /users/:id : Show users by ID.
Note: Replace :id with the corresponding users ID.
- GET /leagues : Show all leagues.
- GET /leagues/:id : Show a league by ID.
- POST /leagues : Add a new league.
- PUT /leagues/:id : Update a league.
- DELETE /leagues/:id : Deleate a league.
Note: Replace :id with the corresponding league ID.
- GET /teams : Show all teams.
- GET /teams/:id : Show a team by ID.
- POST /teams : Add a new team.
- PUT /teams/:id : Update a team.
- DELETE /teams/:id : Deleate a team.
Note: Replace :id with the corresponding team ID.
- GET /players : Show all players.
- GET /players/:id : Show a player by ID.
- POST /teams : Add a new player.
- PUT /teams/:id : Update a player.
- DELETE /teams/:id : Deleate a player.
Note: Replace :id with the corresponding player ID.
- GET /sports : Show all sports.
Matchday incorporates a consistent error-handling system to deliver clear and meaningful responses. Below, you will find descriptions of common HTTP status codes along with examples of responses:
400 (Bad Request) Description: The request could not be processed due to incorrect syntax or invalid parameters. Example response:
"error": "Bad Request",
"message": "Invalid parameters in the request."
500 Internal Server Error Description: Generic server error when the exact cause cannot be determined. Example response:
"error": "Internal Server Error",
"message": "An unexpected error occurred on the server."
Thank you for considering contributing to the project! If you wish to contribute, follow these steps:
1. Fork the Project: Fork the project using the "Fork" button at the top right of the page.
2. Clone Your Forked Repository: Clone the repository to your local machine with the command:
git clone
3. Create a Branch: Create a branch for your contribution:
git checkout -b your-branch-name
4. Make Changes: Make the necessary changes in your branch.
5. Commit Changes: Commit changes with descriptive messages:
git commit -m "Description of the changes"
6. Push Your Changes: Push your changes to your repository:
git push origin your-branch-name
7. Open a Pull Request (PR): Open a PR from your branch to the project's main branch. Provide a clear and detailed description of your changes.
8. Code Review: Proposed changes will be reviewed and discussed before merging.
- Clearly describe the purpose of your contribution.
- Follow the coding style and project guidelines.
- Ensure your changes do not break existing functionalities.
- Document any significant change in the README or relevant documentation.
Thank you for your contribution!