This library contains essential Kotlin language extenstions which we use in daily projects
Add it in your root build.gradle
at the end of repositories:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
dependency to your module build.gradle
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.Eldhopj:kotlin-extensions:1.2'
For info on using in the maven and others, see the jitpack docs page.
.isValidEmail -> Checks whether the email is valid, returns true if valid else false
.isValidName -> Checks whether the name is valid, returns true if valid else false
.isValidPhoneNumber -> Checks whether the phone number is valid, returns true if valid else false
.capitalizeEachWord -> Capitalize each word
- eg: hello world -> Hello World
.checkRegex -> Checks the regex pattern is valid, returns true if valid else false
Parameters 1.pattern -> regex pattern.
.toHourMinuteSeconds -> Converts the seconds to Hours, Minutes & Seconds as per your pattern.
Parameters 1.pattern -> in which pattern we have to convert. Default Pattern is %dh %dm %ds.
- eg: 1h 2m 30s
.toHourMinute -> Converts the seconds to Minutes & Seconds as per your pattern.
Parameters 1.pattern -> in which pattern we have to convert. Default Pattern is %dm %ds.
- eg: 1hr 2m
Please go thorough the String Extensions code documentation for more information
.shortenString -> Format number into short values.
- eg: 1000 -> 1k
1000000 -> 1M
.format -> Returns the string representation of the decimal values
Parameters 1.pattern -> in which pattern we have to convert. Default Pattern is 0.##. 2.roundingMode -> set the rounding behavour, default behavour is RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN
- eg: 10.02542 -> 10.03
.isNullOrZero -> Returns true if this number is null or zero (0)
Please go thorough the Number Extensions code documentation for more information
Please go thorough the Date Extension code documentation
- .mergeWith -> Merges two maps
Please go thorough the Map Extension code documentation