This project focuses on data preparation for predicting complications arising from Myocardial Infarction. The notebook includes data exploration, visualization, cleaning, and transformation processes that are essential for improving model performance.
Explore and Visualize the Dataset
- Identified patterns, trends, and anomalies
- Visualized key features of the data
Data Cleaning and Transformation
- Handled missing values
- Detected and treated outliers
- Transformed categorical and numerical features
- Performed feature engineering as necessary
Standard Data Preparation Tasks
- Data Cleaning: Identifying and correcting mistakes or errors in the data.
- Feature Selection: Identifying input variables that are most relevant to the task.
- Data Transforms: Changing the scale or distribution of variables.
- Feature Engineering: Deriving new variables from available data.
- Dimensionality Reduction: Creating compact projections of the data.
The dataset is available at the UCI Machine Learning Repository.
- A Jupyter notebook documenting:
- Business Understanding
- Data Understanding
- Data Exploration
- Data Preparation